FCS 02.14.2012 - [PDF Document] (2024)

FCS 02.14.2012 - [PDF Document] (1)

ShopperShopperVolume 38, No. 7 Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A SouTherN MiNNeSoTA ShopperS publicATioN110 peArl STreeT • p.o. box 1108 • AlberT leA, MN 56007 • phoNe 507-373-1310

The Freeborn CounTyThe Freeborn CounTyThe Freeborn county Shopper | Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | page 12

open for lunch 7 Days a WeekStarting at 11 amDelicious Varieties ofSalaDS, SanDWicheSanD SoupS2200 W. 9th St. Albert Lea(507) 373-2007

Medallion HuntFind the Chamber of Commerce Medallion

AND WIN $300 IN CHAMBER BUCKS!Monday, Feb 13th - Saturday, Feb 18th

Get your clues in the Albert Lea Tribune.

Take a Kid Ice Fishing FREE EVENT! 9-12 P.M.

Edgewater Park shoreline on Fountain Lake. First 150 kids receive a free jigging stick & bucket. Holes will be drilled and

bait is provided. For more info contact, Lance:

[emailprotected] or go online to FLSC website to register.

Chili Cookoff The Albert Lea Jaycees need contestants!

Bring a nonperishable food item. $10 to enter the contest please contact,

Brady Gooden: (507) 383-7617Over $100 in prizes for the winner! $3 PER SPOON TO BE A JUDGE.

12-3 p.m. at the new pavilion.

Skydiving/Tandem Jump Make a $50 deposit to take the other type

of polar plunge with Southern MN Skydiving, LLC.

APPOINTMENTS FROM 10-5 P.M. Call Bryce to make an appt: (507) 383-9377

Family Geocaching EventTake part in this

fun family geocaching event. Sign up at the new pavilion, 1-2 p.m.!

Softball Tourney9-5 p.m. fields on Fountain Lake by

Edgewater Park. Three game guarantee.

$100 entry fee per team - 8 team max. WINNERS RECEIVE CASH PAYOUTS!

Registration required by Feb 3rd. Registration forms available online at

www.bigfreeze.orgRules/requirements also available online.

Snowshoe Shuffle 5k For beginners and experienced shufflers!


Register online or 10 a.m. day of the race.Must bring a nonperishable food item.

Racers will receive door prizes!

Polar Plunge Albert Lea Fire Dept. challenges you.

Must bring a nonperishable food item. BEGINNING 2 P.M.

UNTIL LAST JUMPER. Shoreline in front of the new pavilion. Jumpers receive a participation medal!

Kids Winter Carnival Albert Lea Park & Rec Kids Carnival at the

NEW EDGEWATER PAVILION 1-4 P.M. Giant Jenga, snow golf, obstacle

course & games!

Snowmobile Radar Runs 12-3 P.M. FOUNTAIN LAKE $5 PER RUN.

Timed by the MN Snowmobile Club.

Disc Golf Ice Bowl 1 p.m. tee-off at Edgewater Park.

Must bring 5 nonperishable food item. $250 in prizes 1st - 7th places

donated by Nancy Vanderwaerdt State Farm Insurance.


Sleigh RidesBring a nonperishable food item. 1-4 p.m.

Starting at the new pavilion.

Presented By The Big Freeze Committee of Albert Lea, MN • www.bigfreeze.org • 507-373-2316

Edgewater Bay PavilionFountain Lake, Albert Lea

Saturday, February 18, 2012

ICE PARTy Saturday Night

Live Performance Saturday Night

at the Edgewater Bay Pavilion! Bring a nonperishable food item! $3 suggested donation at the door!


5-7 p.m.

BAD MONKEy 7-11 p.m.

Beverage Services by Geneva Bar!

Albert Lea Family Y2021 W. Main St, Albert Lea, MN 56007373-8228 • www.ymcaal.org

Check out your Family Y program opportunities today

For Youth Development

For healthY living

For Social reSponSibilitY



sEt-up & rEmOvAL Of YOur OLD bEDDiNg

FurnitureNice PeoPle, Nice Store!


queen setsstarting at

$699save $1000

DOWNtOWN ALbErt LEA • 507-373-2514hourS: MoNdAy-SATurdAy 9-5, ThurSdAy 9-8

Exclusive body temperature regulating polartec® fabricMade with 100% latex Foam

Breathe Easier. Allergen Microbe and Dust Mite ResistantA New Advanced Mattress for Today’s Health Concious Lifestyle

ALsO Adjustable with Adjustable base

Turn your Scrap Gold...Into

202 South Broadway • Albert Lea, MNCall for appointment

507-373-3925 • 1-800-339-7115


SHOP albert lea

DAVE'S PHONE BOOTH228 S. Broadway • Downtown • Albert Lea


Have You HeardWe Carry

• Cordless Phones • Answering Machines

• Loud Ringers • Telephone Amplifiers

• Multi-Line Phones • Business Telephone Systems

Steam It CleanCarpet Cleaning

Jesse & Kelly Krick507-402-2348 or 507-440-2389

Now thru FED. 29, 2012

Free Cleaning...Ask How!

Add a Set of

Stairs for only $15

Fresh Carpet • Save Money!

2 Rooms only $59.99

3 Rooms only $79.99

4 Rooms only $99.99

Last Week’s Answer: Charles DickensLast Week’s Winner: Julie Roder of Albert Lea

This Week’s Question: What became the 33rd state to join the Union, Feb. 14, 1859?

Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader

Trivia ContestWin 2 Car Washes From Red Carpet

This Weeks Trivia Question Print Answer Here

______________________________________________________________________________Play & Win 2 Free

Car Washes at Red Carpet Car Wash

Name __________________________________________


Phone Number __________________________________

Reach Over 45,000 Readers!



$39.00 per week for 12 weeks

Call a Shopper Advertising Professional At 507-373-1310


ANY LARGE PIZZAExpires Feb. 29 2012

M-F. 11 am-2 pm, Mon.-Thurs. 5 pm- Midnite, Fri. & Sat. 5 pm-2 am, Sun. 5 pm-10 pm

126 W. Clark • Albert Lea • 373-7350WE DELIVER

And SandwichesDining Room

Piping Hot Delivery



Wash/Wax • Vacuum Windows • Dust Dash

Not valid with other offers. Expires 2/29/12

Winter Clean-Up SpeCial

412 Morningside Rd. • Albert Lea - Behind Burger King507-377-2634

Your Home is Your Castle

• New Construction • Additions & Remodels • Kitchen & Bathroom

• Roofing | Flooring | Tiling • Doors & Windows • Siding & Stone

• Decks | Patios | Driveway • Basements Poured or Block Foundation Walls • Wall

Repair • Waterproofing Interior or ExteriorBarn Restoration | Ag Bldgs.

Pole Buildings | Barns

507-383-2194 • 507-402-5030

Licensed, Bonded & Insured

Lic. #20270500

Agricultural Services

Business for SaleContact Sue at



119 S. Broadway, Albert Lea 377-7943Tues.-Fri. 10-5, Sat. 10-3,

Closed Sun. & Mon.


Thursday night Special

starts at 5:00 pm

BuY 1 GeT 1 free

Soup & SAlAD BArhomemade Soup!

Served with a Freshly Baked Popover & Honey Butter!

2306 E. Main St., Albert Lea507-373-6471


• Stoves starting

136 S. Broadway | Downtown Albert Lea 373-0878 | www.letenergysystems.com

HOURS: M-F 10-5, Sat. 10-2

Wood Pellet/Corn StovesSt. Croix

lowest Price ever

• Push Button Start • Self-Cleaning Burn Pot• 8,000 ot 50,000 BTU• Reduce Costs with Efficient Comfortable Heat

Shop Connie’s Corner New & Used a Bit

LET Energy Systems

123 N. Broadway Albert Lea • 373-0388

M-F 10-5, Sat. 10-3

Get Ready For Springat New To You CoNsigNmeNT• T-Shirts• Shorts• SandalsQuality Used Clothing for the Entire Family

FCS 02.14.2012 - [PDF Document] (2)

The Freeborn County Shopper | Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | Page 2 The Freeborn County Shopper | Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | Page 11Call 373-1310 To PlaCe Your Classified ad!Call 373-1310 To PlaCe Your Classified ad!

Hy-VeeWine & spirits

Open Mon.-Thurs. 8 to 8, Fri. & Sat. 8 to 10

Ad Good Wednesday, Feb. 15 thru Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2012

Next to Hy-Vee 2708 N. Bridge, Albert Lea 377-1489




12 pAck .5 LITER




Bud,Bud Light,Bud Select

24 PACK CAns






24 PACK CAns


karkovVodka1.75 LITER


Hess Select chardonnay

750 mL


MondaviALL vARIETIEs 750 mL

$899Sutter Home

Bubbly Moscato750 mL

$799Beringer Moscato

750 mL

$399from the wine






1.75 LITER


Taste of Winter Recipe Contest Entry BlankE-Mail Your Recipe to [emailprotected] Address: The Freeborn Co. Shopper, 110 Pearl St., P.O. Box 1108, Albert Lea, MN 56007Contest deadline February 17, 2012 - Must have name, address & phone number on each entry.

Must have name, address & phone number on each recipe entered.

Name __________________________________________________________________

Address ________________________________________________________________

Phone __________________________________________________________________

Be a part of our 14th Annual

Winter Recipe Book & Contest

Send us your favorite

Winter Recipe!

The Freeborn CounTyThe Freeborn CounTy

ShopperShopperA Southern MinneSotA ShopperS publicAtion

Be Part of Our 14th Annual Recipe Contest and Win!

Trees & shrubs for spring planTing

• Farmstead Windbreaks• Field Windbreaks

• Wildlife Habitat Plantings• Plantings for Aesthetics

freeborn Co. sWCD offers assistance with:

• Variety Selection• Planting Plans• Planter Rentals

• Tree Care ProductsCall or visit our office to obtain a 2012

price list and order form

ag. service Center building1400 W. Main, Albert Lea, MN

phone 373-5607 ext. 3For best selection order by Feb. 29th.


Lawn & GardenAppliancesTelevisions

2722 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea377-2500

Hours: M-F 9-7, Sat. 9-6, Sun. Noon-5


Going Farther On A Gallon Of GasAs much as we'd like to hope, lower gas prices aren't likely here to stay. but with prices lower than they have been in awhile-and especially when they really start to rise again-here are some tips to help you save gas.

Gettin' In TuneKeeping your car in proper running condition is vital to getting good gas mileage and saving money, so make sure your engine is tuned up. Especially crucial under

the hood are the spark plugs. Are they firing correctly? one that isn't can cost you as much as 30% in fuel efficiency. All thumbs? You can still replace your own air filter and improve your gas mileage up to 10%. Check the filter periodically for the things that can clog it-dirt, dust, bugs, etc.-and change it according to your owner's manual guidelines.

pump 'Em Upmake sure your tires are inflated to the proper air pressure indicated in your owner's manual.

Underinflated tires can wreak havoc on three fronts-they rob you of precious gas mileage (up to 15%), they wear out faster than properly inflated tires and they can cause an accident. Do the math. If you're getting 20 miles to the gallon on underinflated tires, you can pos-sibly bump that to 23 with the proper pressure. If your gas tank holds 15 gallons and you get three extra miles a gallon, that's 45 miles per fillup. If you fill up once a week, that's 2,340 additional miles a year you're getting. buy a quality tire gauge and check your tire pressure once a month.

Get Your Car In Shape with the Help of These Businesses




• Change Oil & Filter (Up to 5 qts.)• 60 pt. vehicle inspection• Most Vehicles • Expires 3/16/12

See us for all your auto service needs.







FREESilver car Wash with the purchase of 8 gallons of gas or more - $7.00 Value



OLE’S EASTSIDE SHELL2222 e. Main • albert lea • 373-5000

we love our customers!treat your car to a SILVER WASH

exclusively at Tire & service Network locations with a Purchase of 4 select Goodyear® or dunlop® Tires

on Your Goodyear Credit Card*

505 E. Main, Albert Lea373-0636

*Subject to credit approval. Offer valid thru Feb. 29, 2012. One mail in rebate check per qualifying purchase. See store for details.

GEt Up to A$160 REbAtE on tiREs!

507•373-2676Kevin Marshall, Owner Certified Installer

Toll-Free 877-874-0066For All Your Auto Glass Needs...Because it Does Matter!

Take Advantage of ourFree Mobile Service

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Ask about Flaherty’s Lay-Away Plan!!Custom Wheels • Tires • suspension • Exhaust

Denis Flaherty | Jay Montag | Sean Flaherty

Airport Rd. & Hi-Tec Ave. | Albert Lea , MN | 507-373-2464

226 East Clark St. Albert Lea, MN

Full Service Auto & Light Truck Repair



Ken’s Service


Sale ends Feb. 18th!Don't Miss your

chance to Save Big on these Top Quality

Wix Filters!Motor Supply

Company1651 Olsen Dr., Albert Lea

507-373-3981Mon.-Fri. 7:30 am-5:30 pm, Sat. 8:00 am-1:00 pm

speCial offers!save $5

on exact fit Wiper bladessave $10

on bosch iCon Wiper bladessave $20

on herculiner brush on bed liner Kitlucas fuel injector Cleaner only $5.99

Stop in and pick up a Full Sales Flyer*see store for details

1902 East Main, Albert Lea, MN




locally owned & operated for over 25 Years

Per Pair after Mail - In Rebate*

Per Pair after Mail - In Rebate*

After Mail - In Rebate*

2527 Bridge Ave. Albert Lea SALES & SERVICE: 507-373-5275




Not valid with any other offer. Expires 2/29/12.

(up to 5 qts.)

No Appointment




AND TOP OFF FLUIDSSynthetic oil, synthetic blends & diesel

engines extra.

Not valid with any other offer. Expires 2/29/12.

FCS 02.14.2012 - [PDF Document] (3)

04 LOST AND FOUNDLOST: Charm Bracelet w/ 16 plus Beads & Charms. Reward! Call 507-369-5640. tfn/0e00

05 NOTICESGuns, Ammo, Powder & Primers. Open Monday - Saturday 9:00AM-5:00PM, or by Appointment call 507-373-0966, 1800 Oakwood Terrace, Albert Lea, MN. 06/28c00/08

4th Annual Rod & Gun Club TEXAS HOLD'em TOURNAMENT on Saturday, February 18th!! Held at Travel Lanes LeRoy, MN with *Raffles, *Silent Auction & *Gun Raffle Drawing, and Snacks, Lunch available, cash bar. Doors Open at 11:00 A.M. Games Start at 1:00 P.M. Payback based on 32 Player Tournament, 1st Place: $200.00, 2nd Place: 100.00, 3rd Place: 50.00. LEROY ROD AND GUN CLUB. 07/0au00/07

10 APPLIANCE REPAIRON THE SPOT APPLIANCE SERVICE will Repair most Household Appliances & Commercial Cooking Products. 29 Years Experience, Reasonable Rates. Call Orrin Mortensen at 507-256-8099 ANY-TIME. tfn/44b50

11 BUILDING AND REMODELINGFor all your Home Maintenance/Repairs/Lawn Care call ROBERT NESSET CONSTRUCTION 507-383-7693. License# BC635495. tfn/14b00

Roofing, Remodeling or New Construction. Con-crete Work - Driveways, Sidewalks, Etc. - No job too BIG or too small. 31 years experience, Li-censed & Insured. ARNOLD'S CONSTRUCTION 507-383-1345 or 507-377-3538. tfn/15b00

13 HOUSE & BUSINESS CLEANINGI can come clean your home for you, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly. Have experience. If interested call Peggy 218-522-0825 or 507-377-0566.

14 LAWN, GARDEN & TREE SERVICEPETERSON TREE SERVICE - Trimming/Removal, Lot/Grove Clearing, Stump Chipping, Licensed & In-sured. ISA Certified Arborist. Over 45 yrs. com-bined experience. We work all year round. FREE Estimates. 507-373-1171 or 800-795-1216 or email [emailprotected] tfn/29b00

B&B LAWN SERVICE: Mowing, Thatching, Bush Trimming, Garden Tilling, Landscaping, Brush Re-moval, Leaf Clean Up. Call Brad 507-377-0947 or 507-383-3628. Insured. tfn/14b00


HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA FROM HOME. 6-8 weeks. AC-CREDITED. Get a Diploma. Get a Job! FREE Brochure. 1-800-264-8330. www.diplomafromhome.com (MFPA)


CANADA DRUG CENTER IS YOUR CHOICE FOR SAFE AND AFFORDABLE MEDICATIONS. Our licensed Cana-dian mail order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 90 percent on all your medication needs. Call Today 888-485-1568 for $25.00 off your first prescription and free shipping. (MFPA)

ATTENTION DIABETICS with Medicare. Get a FREE Talk-ing Meter and diabetic testing supplies at NO COST, plus FREE home delivery! Best of all, this meter elimi-nates painful finger pricking! Call 888-441-2313


PAID IN ADVANCE! Make $1000 Weekly Mailing Bro-chures from Home! Free Supplies! Income is guaran-teed! No experience required. Start Immediately! www.theworkhub.net (VOID IN SD) (MCN)


APPLE & FRUIT TREES low as $15. Evergreen & Hardwood Seedlings. FREE Product Catalog. WOODSTOCK NURS-ERY N1831 Hwy 95 Neillsville, WI 54456 Toll Free 888-803-8733, www.wallace-woodstock.com (MFPA)

HEAT YOUR HOME FOR 5¢ AN HOUR! Portable infrared iHeater heats 1000 sq. ft. Slashes your heating bills by 50%. FREE Shipping too! Use claim code 6239 WAS $499 NOW $279 Call 1-877-354-2808 (MFPA)

DISH Network. Starting at $19.99/month PLUS 30 Premi-um Movie Channels FREE for 3 Months! SAVE! & Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL 888-379-7065

SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENEFITS. WIN or Pay Noth-ing! Start Your Application In Under 60 Seconds. Call Today! Contact Disability Group, Inc. Licensed Attor-neys & BBB Accredited. Call 888-819-3552 (MFPA)

ATTENTION SLEEP APNEA SUFFERERS with Medicare. Get FREE CPAP Replacement Supplies at NO COST, plus FREE home delivery! Best of all, prevent red skin sores and bacterial infection! Call 888-859-7796 (MFPA)


DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. 888-472-9219 (MFPA)

The Freeborn County Shopper | Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | Page 10 Call 373-1310 To PlaCe Your Classified ad! Call 373-1310 To PlaCe Your Classified ad! The Freeborn County Shopper | Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | Page 3

Dining and Entertainment

Saturday, Feb. 25

Menu: Stuffed Pork Chop Dinner

$15 Per Person

Tickets on Sale at Albert Lea Eagles Club

205 W. William373-1162

Let Us Help You Make Your Wedding Reception PERFECT!Tribute Dinner Show

Performances by Bill Dewey as Johnny Cash& the DC Drifters

Winter BBQ Wed. Feb 15, 2012

First Luthern Church, 301 W Clark St, AL5:00 pm - 7:30 pm cost $7Menu: Hamburgers • Hot Dogs • Baked Beans • Chips • Bars • Lemonade • Coffee • Water

All proceeds help support the 22 youth and 5 adults going to the ELCA National Youth Gathering in New Orleans, LA July 2012


Fat Tuesday Celebration

Tuesday, Feb. 21Serving 4:30-7:00

Shrimp Boil, Chili, Gumbo and the

Famous King Cakefor Dessert - $8.00

Knights of Columbus

1002 S. Broadway, Albert Lea

Second Annual

$100 OffAny 24 Pack Cans of Beer

Expires 2/28/12


15% OffAny Bottle or Box of Wine

Expires 2/28/12


1617 West Main St, Albert Lea379-2364

Albert leA FFA Alumni

AnnuAl All-member


February 19, 201211 AM – 1 PM

fairlane BuildingFreeborn Co. Fairgrounds, Albert Lea

The Albert Lea FFA Alumni Board of Directors would like to invite you to our annual All-Member Meeting.

Join us at the Fairlane Building on the Fairgrounds for soup and desserts.

We will review the year’s successes, have membership renewals available, and share our ideas for 2012. Speaking of which, we can always use your idea! Contact any board member to share your ideas, thoughts, or creative solutions for sponsorship, education, and fundraising.

Together, we can achieve great things and help the Albert Lea FFA Chapter out!



Highest Prices for Scrap Cars, Trucks, Farm Machinery, Iron & Steel

Exit #18 (Clarks Grove)East 100 Yards Then

North 1 Mile on Co. Rd. 45(4 miles North of Albert Lea)




. R

D. 45


Pick Up Service & Roll Off Boxes Available

Also BuyingAluminum,

(NO AlUMINUM CANS) Brass & Copper

HINKLEY Chevrolet, BuickHwy. 109, Wells, MN • Phone: 553-3121 • Toll Free 1-800-788-6442

Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8 am to 6 pm, Sat. 8 am to 3 pm • View a Picture of Our Vehicles at www.hinkleychevrolet.com

2007 Chevrolet Tahoe LT4x4, 5.3 V-8, 15 MPG City/21 MPG Hwy, trade-in, power driver seat, CD, towing package, 148,000 miles

SaLe PriCe$18,995






Serving 5:30 to 8:00 pm



dINNEr By MENU Entertainment by


CHILI COOk OFFNoon - 3:00 pm


Music by “rOGEr MUrPHy"

TACO NIGHT Serving 5:00-7:00 pm

TExAS HOLd 'EM AT 7:00 PMCome Down & Enjoy Happy Hour

Mon.-Thurs. 4-7 pmPULL TABS AVAILABLE Lic. #A00060-001


EAGLES205 W. William, Albert Lea, MN


Friday, Feb. 17th

Saturday, Feb. 11th

Every Monday

Thursday, Feb. 16th

Tuesday, Feb. 14th




Freeborn Area Cancer AuctionWe would like to thank everyone that donated, purchased and

worked towards another great year!

3rd Annual Fighting for a Cure One Page at a Time

Saturday, march 10, 20128:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.

first Baptist Church, Clarks Grove MNCost: $40.00* Price Includes: *Free T-shirt with early registration

• 15 Hours of Scrapbooking Time • Silent Auction• Garage Sale • Meals, Water and Coffee

Proceeds go to freeborn area Cancer auction - for More information:Missy Ladlie 507-219-7280 [emailprotected] Attig 507-391-7110 [emailprotected]

Sign Up


Soup & Pie SupperVegetable Beef • Chili • Baked Potato • Wild Rice

Wednesday, Feb. 15th 4-7 pmCrossroads Church

3402 Hoeger Lane, Albert Lea, MN

Proceeds to benefit students attending youth ministry conference in New Orleans along with 10% going back to the

community through the Backpack Program

Adults: $7Children (5-10): $3.50

Children Under 5: FREEEveryone is welcome!Handicap Accessible

Your Only LocalMonument & Memorial


Phone (507) 373-40301-800-338-0055

1006 S. Broadway, Albert Lea

Did you know... A standard monument order can take

2-3 months to complete?

In order for us to provide you the best, stress free service -

Contact Us Today to have your loved one’s monument completed by Memorial Day

Stop by our Showroom or Call for More Information

Memorials with Innovation & Distinction

‘11 Chev Equinox AWD, 25k ...............$22,900‘10 Buick Lucerne CXL, 42k ................$19,900‘10 Town & Country Touring, 27k ........$17,900‘10 Impala LS, 40k...............................$12,900‘10 Kia Rio 5, 14k ................................ $11,900‘09 Chevy Trailblazer, 58k ...................$14,900‘09 Ford Fusion, 48k............................ $11,900‘09 Toyota Prius, 70k ...........................$14,900‘08 Nissan Rogue AWD, 51k ...............$14,900’08 Chev K2500 Crew Cab, 94k ..........$17,900‘08 Ford Ranger Ext Cab, 93k...............$7,995‘08 Jeep Liberty, 65k ...........................$13,900‘08 Honda Civic Ex 2dr, 47k ................$13,900‘08 Kia Optima LX, 62k .........................$9,995‘07 Ford F150 Crew Cab, 4x4, 142k ...$12,900‘07 Chevy Trailblazer, 73k ...................$12,900‘07 Gran Prix, 59k................................ $11,900‘07 Buick Lucerne CXS, 40k ...............$14,900‘07 Chev K1500 Ext Cab, 196k .............$8,995‘06 Town & Country, touring, 83k ..........$9,995‘06 Dodge Caravan, 96k........................$5,995‘06 Pontiac Vibe, 86k .............................$8,995‘06 Chev Trailblazer, 86k .......................$9,995‘06 GMC K3500 ext. cab Duramax, 156k .$14,900‘06 Buick Rendezvous CXL, 66k .........$10,900‘06 Chev Equinox, AWD, 89k ................$8,995‘05 Bonneville SE, Leather, 85k ............$8,995‘05 Chev C1500 Ext Cab, 228k .............$4,500‘05 Buick LeSabre, 59k .......................$10,500‘05 Honda CRV, 98k ............................$10,900‘05 Buick Century, 27k ...........................$8,995‘04 Yukon XL Denali, 110k ..................$13,900‘04 Pontiac Bonneville GXP, 56k .........$10,900‘04 Buick LeSabre, 49k .........................$9,995‘04 Buick LeSabre LTD Celebration Series, 77k .$9,995‘03 GMC Envoy .....................................$7,995‘03 Pontiac Vibe, 267k ...........................$3,095‘02 Buick Park Ave, 73k ........................$8,995‘02 Buick LeSabre, leather, 75k ............$7,995‘02 Jeep Liberty, 58k .............................$8,995‘00 Buick Century, 57k ...........................$5,995‘99 Buick Century Limited, 44k ..............$6,500

Many More to Choose Fromwww.the-trading-post.com

TRADING POSTGordonsville, MN­ • 507-448-3302

80944 CO. rd. 46, HAyWArd, MN 56043FAx 507-373-3172 • CELL 507-676-0192

PHONE 507-373-3170 • www.findcars.com


'11 Kawasaki 750 EFI Brute Force, 190 miles, one owner, with Moose Snow Plow ...................................................... $7,100

‘09 Chevy HD Ext Cab LT, 6.0, auto, 4x4, loaded, 79k .. $24,995'08 F350 Crew Cab Lariet V10 4x4, 117k ...................... $23,995‘08 F250 XLT Ext Cab, long box, 5.4 V8, auto, 4x4, 63k $22,995'08 F250 Ext cab, 5.4 XLT, Auto, short box, 4x4, 71k .... $20,995‘08 Nissan Versa S 1.8 auto 4door 66k ........................... $9,995'06 Colbalt 2-Dr, Auto, 79k ............................................... $7,995‘06 Chevy Crew Cab LT 6.6 Diesel Short box, 4x4, 117k $23,995‘06 F150 Supercrew XLT, 5.4 V-8, 4x4, 61k ................... $19,995‘05 Ford Ext.Cab XLT 5.4 V-8, 4x4, 111k ........................$11,995'05 Chev 2500 LS, crew cab, 6.0, V8, 4x4, 114k ........... $16,995'05 Chrysler Town Country, Touring, Stow n Go 96k ........ $8,995'04 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP, 4 Dr., 3.8, leather roof ........ $8,995'04 Chevy Ext. Cab LS, 5.3 V8, 113k, 4x4, cloth ........... $12,995'04 Chevy Tahoe LT, leather, sunroof, DVD, 4x4, 110k .. $13,995'04 Chevy Reg. Cab 5.3, long box, 4x4, 114k .................. $9,995'04 Chevy 1500 Extcab LT Z71, 4x4, 5.3, 103k ............. $13,995‘04 F-250 XLT 4x4 off road Crewcab 5.4 V8 130k ......... $13,995‘04 Trailblazer Ext. LS 4.2 V6 4x4, 3rd Seat, 95k ............ $9,995‘04 Chevy Ext Cab 1500 LS 5.3, 4x4, 150k, clean ........ $10,500‘04 Chevy 2500 HD Ext. Cab, 6.0 V-8, auto., 4x4, 134k,

sunroof ...................................................................... $12,995‘03 Chevy 1500 HD Crew Cab 6.0 V-8, 4x4, 157k......... $10,995'03 Nissan Maxima SE V6, auto., sun roof, 89k............... $7,995‘03 Blazer LS 4.3 V6 4x4, 119k ........................................ $6,995'03 Chevy S10 Crew Cab 4.3 V-6, auto., 4x4, 134k ........ $8,995'02 Pontiac Grand Prix SE, V6, auto., 131k ..................... $4,995'02 F250 XLT Reg. Cab 7.3 Diesel 6 spd., 114k 4x4 ..... $15,995‘02 Chevy 1500 HD crew cab LT Z71, 4x4, 126k ...........$11,995‘02 Chevy Monte Carlo SS, 3.8 V-6, auto., leather,

sunroof, 102k .............................................................. $7,495'01 Chevy S-10 LS, 2.2, 5 speed 2wd, 136k .................... $4,500‘01 KIA Sportage, 4x4, 5 speed ....................................... $2,995‘01 Ford Excursion V-10, 4x4, leather, 99k ...................... $9,995'00 GMC Ext Cab Sonoma 2.2 Auto., 81k, 2WD.............. $5,995'00 S-10 Ext. Cab 2 WD, V6, auto., 114k ......................... $4,995'00 F350 Lariet Crew Cab 7.3 Diesel auto., 156k, 4x4 .. $13,995'99 F250 XLT Reg. Cab V10 4x4, 62k, long box .............. $9,995‘99 Chevy 1500 LS Z71 Extcab, 5.3, V8, 4x4 154k ......... $6,995'99 Olds Bravada AWD, New Tires, 151k ......................... $3,995‘99 Lincoln Town Car, V8, leather, 84k ............................. $6,995'96 F350 XLT Reg Cab, 7.3 powerstroke, auto, 2WD, 131k .$6,995‘95 F250 V8, 4x4, Reg. Cab ............................................. $2,995‘94 Lincoln Towncar, V8, leather, nice shape, 156k ......... $2,500‘90 Chevy 1500 SS 454, reg cab, 92k ............................. $9,500‘84 Chevy 1500 Reg Cab 305, V8, 2wd 166k .................. $2,995‘64 International Carry All Ambulance, V8, 4x4, 6100 mi . $6,500‘00 Polaris RMK 800 136’’ rebuilt motor .......................... $1,995‘97 XCR 600 Triple, new seat, runs great ........................ $1,200‘96 XLT 600 Triple Wife's Sled ......................................... $1,200

Thank You

THE SHOPPER110 Pearl St., Box 1108, Albert Lea, MN 56007 • Phone 507/373-1310 [emailprotected]


It’s that time of year when days are shorter and winter weather is approaching.

Please Remember:Delivery might be later than it has been.Keep your sidewalks/driveways clear.Monitor your petsService your tubes or boxes.

Friday, Feb. 17th Serving 6:00-7:30 pmSteak, Chicken, Shrimp, Fish

RAHK Karaoke - 7:30 pmSaturday, Feb. 18th Lunch Noon Till GoneHockey Burger Basket Fundraiser serving 5 -7pm

Entertainment TBA 7:00 pm

Every Tuesday Bar BingoStarts 6:30 pm

Food Available

Wednesdays6:00-7:30 pmAll Baskets

$6.00(Excludes Specials)


11:30 am-1:00 pmBurger Basket

& Special

Albert Lea Lodge #1703

MOOSE1623 W. Main. St., Skyline Plaza

Mon.-Fri. Noon to Close, Sat. 10:30 am to Close, Sun. Noon-6 pm

Omelet BreakfastSunday • Feb. 19th • $8.00

8:00 am-1:00 pmMade to Order Omelets, Sausage, Bacon,

Potatoes, Toast, Juice & Coffee

AUTO SALESCall 507-373-1005

2517 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea, MN

~ 2005 MODELS ~'05 Dodge Dakota Crew Cab SLT, 4x4, V8,

110k ............................................................$12,500'05 Chrysler Town & Country Limited, loaded,

DVD, 120k ....................................................$9,995'05 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT, 99k ..............$8,495'05 Mercury Mountaineer Premier, 4x4, loaded,

DVD, 83k ....................................................$12,900'05 Dodge Stratus SXT, 4 cyl., 48k .................$8,995'05 Hummer H2, fully loaded, 4x4, 103k .....$19,900'05 Chrysler Pacifica 4x4, loaded, 120k ........$9,995'05 Pontiac Grand Prix, 3800 V6 ....................$7,995'05 Dodge Grand Caravan, nicely equipped,

133k ..............................................................$5,995'05 Dodge Ram Crew Cab, 4x4, 4 new tires,

91k ..............................................................$12,900

FCS 02.14.2012 - [PDF Document] (4)

14 LAWN, GARDEN & TREE SERVICETree Trimming, Removal & Stump Grinding. Over 30 years experience. Call Jim Amarosa @ 507-256-4425. 07//55c00/12

23 SPECIAL SERVICESNEED HELP MOVING? The Household Movers – One Piece or Whole Home. 507-373-6434.

Chimney Cleaning & Repairs. Also Painting, Odd Jobs & Tree Trimming. Call 507-369-4804. tfn/14b00

26 FINANCIALSave money when you finance your home, vehi-cle, motorcycle, boat, camper, etc with Accentra Credit Union. To find out more call 800-533-0448 today or visitwww.accentracu.org. 07/0au00/12

27 FOOD PRODUCTS/PRODUCENORTHSTAR RANCH: All natural Pork - Grass fed Beef - Antibiotic Free - federally inspected. Lo-cally grown. Sold in packages or individual cuts. Call 507-383-7694. tfn/14b50

31 FLOOR COVERING & INSTALL.KARSJENS INSTALLATION - Installation of Carpet, Vinyl & Laminate. New Carpet Available. Re-stretch Existing Carpet. Cell 507-383-0708 Kent Karsjens Established 1989. tfn/14b50

36 HEATING UNITS, FIREWOOD ETC.LOWMAN'S OAK FIREWOOD - Seasoned 2 - 3 years, split & delivered $120.00. Call Steven 507-373-9316. 51/28p00/08


WOOD PELLETS SALE - Premium Softwood Pellets $215.00. per ton Full pallet price $4.75 by the bag. Len’s Wood Products…1/2 mile north of Oakland. 507-433-7807. 02/0au00/07

For Sale: Sawmill Slabs for Firewood. Work great for outdoor wood burners. $20.00 per bundle, Len's Wood Products - 507-433-7807. 1/2 mile North of Oakland. 07/0au00/09

37 GARAGE, MOVING SALESSALE: $1.00 Women's Tops, Sweaters, Jeans & Dresses. Also Store full to the brim with Kid's & Men's Clothes and Misc. Items. Well sorted great quality. WELLS CLOTHES CLOSEST THRIFT STORE, Tuesday & Friday, 11:00AM - 6:00PM, Wells, MN. Donations of items always needed! 07/32b00/09

THE ANSWER YOU SEEK IS HERE! Oregon. 07/0fcs00/07

38 HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGSFurniture and Mattresses “Clearance Center” 57% and more off. Just reduced 7 sofas under $400.00 and as low as $329.00, recliners under $300.00, sectionals and reclining sofas at comparable savings. Missed match mattress, sets all sizes while quantity last. Lane, Flexsteel, Ashley, Simmons and England. Over 250 items in the “Clearance Center” MORRIS FURNITURE Albert Lea, MN. 507-373-6434 www.morrisfurniture.com tfn/38b50

39 LAWN, SNOW, ETC. EQUIPMENTSTIHL Products in Stock - We're your Stihl Dealer. 507-448-3302 TRADING POST - Gordonsville. tfn/14b00

40 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE POWER WASHERS in Stock 507-448-3302 TRADING POST - Gordonsville. tfn/14b00

THIS AREA’S ONLY HUSQVARNA and STIHL CHAIN SAW DEALER. Chain Saw Sharpening starting at $4.00. See Mike at M & S OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT, Albert Lea, MN 507-377-7705. tfn/14b00

41 MISCELLANEOUS WANTEDWANTED: Cars, Trucks & Junk Cars $150.00 & up & up. Copper, Aluminum & Brass. Car Batteries. Call 507-318-0869 (Leave Message). 06/50p00x2/09

RECENTLY, Minnesota big ad motel buyers were trying to buy gold & silver for 30% - 40% less than Kuehl's Coins. Compare prices! Fairmont, 507-235-3886. 06/0au00/11

50 PET CARE, WALKING, ETC.STAYCATION PET CARE: Don't take your Pets to a Kennel. We come to you! Days or Evenings - Sev-en Days a Week. Also Enjoy a Cage Free Doggie Day Care 24 hour Supervised Environment. 5% of Profits go to the Humane Society. Six Years Experi-ence & References. Insured & Bonded. Visit our website at http://staycationpetcare.com or Like us on Facebook. Call 507-369-3116. tfn/15b00

Need someone to check in on your pets when you are gone for the day, a week or longer? CALL COUNTRY CARE PET SERVICE. We will come to your home as many times a day as needed. Many other services available. We’ve been in the Pet Care business since 1995. Call 507 826 3510 or email at [emailprotected] tfn/18b00

The Freeborn County Shopper | Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | Page 4 The Freeborn County Shopper | Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | Page 9Call 373-1310 To PlaCe Your Classified ad! Call 373-1310 To PlaCe Your Classified ad!

Freeborn Co. Shopper Classifieds WorkDeadline For Tuesday Issue is Friday at Noon Payment Requested Upon Receipt.




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MAIL OR bRING FORM TO THE FREEbORN COUNTY SHOPPER110 W. Pearl, box 1108, Albert Lea, MN 56007 • Phone 507-373-1310

Albert Lea ElementaryMon. 20: Presidents Day No SchoolTues. 21: BBQ chicken sandwich, egg salad sandwich, corn, cucumber slices w/dip, pearsWed. 22: WG pancakes w/syrup & eggs, ham & cheese sandwich, oven baked tator tots, apple, mandarin orangesThurs. 23: Penne pasta w/Italian meatsauce, tuna salad on wheat bread, green beans, mixed green salad, fruit cocktailFri. 24: Tony’s whole grain cheese pizza, chef salad w/egg & cheese, carrot coins celery stick w/lt. ranch, peaches

SouthwestMon. 20: Presidents Day No SchoolTues. 21: Beef taco WG flour tortilla, lettuce/tomato/cheddar cheese cup, southwest corn, black beansWed. 22: WG french toast sticks & scrambled eggs, syrup, baked tator

totsThurs. 23: Diced chicken served w/Alfredo sauce over WG rotini noodles, mixed veggies, garlic bread stickFri. 24: Battered pollock wedge, oven fried potatoes, seasoned green beans, dinner roll

St. Theodore’sMon. 20: Presidents Day No SchoolTues. 21: Hamburger on wheat bun, sun chips, peas & carrots, peachesWed. 22: Fish sticks, mashed potatoes w/butter, green beans, pineappleThurs. 23: Grilled chicken breast, brown rice, carrots & pears



Albert Lea Family Y2021 W. Main St, Albert Lea, MN 56007373-8228 • www.ymcaal.org

“We build strong kids, strong families, strong communities for 96 years”Check out your Family Y program opportunities today

Health MarketFebruary is Heart Month! Celebrate by following these heart smart shopping tips to help reduce cardiovascular disease. Your heart will thank you! • Stay on the outside of the store (fresh produce, meat and fish

market are there!)• Stock up on fresh produce• Buy frozen fruits and vegetables• Choose low-fat and fat free dairy• Select lean meats• Eat fish twice a week• Grab the whole grainsTip by Alyssa Nelson, nutrition student at Mankato State University.

2708 N. bridge, Albert Lea, MN 507-377-2257 • Email: [emailprotected]

Amy’s Tip of the Week!

Amy PleimlingRegistered Dietitian

...helping us stay fit and healthy...To Better Serve Our Customers, Curt’s Pharmacy is NOw OPeN 7 DayS a week!

• Easy Prescription Transfers, Just Call 373-MEDS (6337) and we do the rest• We Deliver & Mail Out Prescriptions FREE • Conveniently Located in Nelson’s Market Place • We Accept all Insurance Plans, Workmans comp & Medicare Part D Plans

507-373-MeDS (6337)1615 w. Main St, albert Lea, MN

Voted Albvrt Lea’s Best Pharmacy

Curt's PharmaCy

New HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8:30 am-7 pm, Sat. 9 am-2 pm, Sun. 11 am-2 pm

Albert Lea’s Only Locally Owned



AD COPYINSTRUCTIONS (PLEASE READ ATTACHED EMAIL ALSO)SIZE: Choose whichever size is closest to size ordered on insertion order.


CODE: Put the code (see insertion order) in very small type at the bottom of the ad in an open spot.CONSULTANT NAMES: See insertion order for which names/city to add under “Call today.... ”

SIZED FOR MOWER CO-FREEBORN SHOPPER - 1/16 page (2.375 x 3.125)

FARMERS: take advantage of the federal Bonus Depreciation incentive for 2012! See your sales consultant for details and get a quality building at a fair price!

Hurry!Before theschedulefills up!

Built on your level site, subject to local building codes, snowload requirements, crew travel in some areas and prices are subject to change without notice. Delivery not included. Mn Lic #BC048615

We’re taking orders for Spring construction!

Steve Schwebke, FairmontDavid Baldner

Support Your Favorite StarsDancing with the Freeborn County Stars

Saturday, March 17th Albert Lea High School

The_Freeborn_County_Stars_are_working_on_their_fancy_footwork_to_raise_money_for_the_Freeborn_County_Red_Cross.__The_6th_Annual_Dancing_with_the_Freeborn_County_Stars_will_be_Saturday, March 17, 2012. Your evening will be filled with style and magic by this year’s dancers: Melanie Bloom and Rusty Dawkins; Angie and Seth Stadheim; Mary and Nathan Johnson; Mary Nelson and LaMar Staloch; Dr Tom and Linda Lang; Haley Allen and Sergio Chavez; Roxanne Ehrich and Roger Zeman; Kristen Dulas and Bryce Nelson. The_dancers_are_vying_for_awards_in_three_categories_–_Top_Fundraisers_Award,_Audience_Choice_Award and the Star Award, which combines judges’ scores and the money attendees put in fishbowls that_night.__To_support_your_favorite_dancers_please_send_your_check_to_American_Red_Cross,_Free-born County Chapter, 1608 West Fountain Street, Albert Lea, MN 56007, give directly to your dancers or put in the fishbowl at the event.We_are_continuing_the_very_popular_silent_auction_along_with the event. You’ll be able to shop as you enjoy refresh-ments in the commons area of the Albert Lea High School during_the_intermission.__Tickets_for_this_fantastic_evening_are_on_sale_now._General_admission tickets will be on sale for $10 at Hy-Vee, Ben’s Floral and Frame Designs and the Convention & Visitors Bureau. Reserved seating tickets ($15 or $20) will be avail-able only at the Red Cross office, 1608 West Fountain Street, Albert Lea, MN 56007.The_money_raised_will_be_used_to_provide_Red_Cross_services_to_the_residents_of_Freeborn_County.____For_more_information_about_the_Dancing_with_the_Freeborn_County_Stars_event_or_about the American Red Cross please call us at 507-373-4544 or_visit_us_on_the_web_at_www.redcrosstc.org.__

The_American_Red_Cross_shelters,_feeds_and_provides_emotional_support_to_victims_of_disasters;_supplies_nearly_half_of_the_nation's_blood;_teaches_lifesaving_skills;_provides_international_humanitarian_aid;_and_supports_military_members_and_their_families. The Red Cross is a charitable organization — not a government agency — and depends on volunteers and the generosity_of_the_American_public_to_perform_its_mission._For_more_information,_please_visit_www.redcross.org_or_join_our_blog at http://blog.redcross.org

Thank YouWe would like to thank all of our family and friends for their support and memorials during the illness and death of our mother, Dolores. We would like to especially thank the medical staff at Mayo Health Systems, staff and residents at Thornecrest, staff at First Lutheran Church, Jackie Sletten, and staff at Bonnerup’s Funeral Home.


Baldor® Farm Duty Motors

Industrial quality motors specially designed for farm duty. Extra high torque designs through 15 H.P. Capacitor start and repulsion induction types. Totally enclosed, fan-cooled with gasketted conduit boxes. From stock. Other farm duty motors include instant reversing and replacement universal crop dryer motors - from stock.

RETAIL - WHOLESALE • Motor Rewinding • Electric Motors • Bearings • Belts • Sprockets • Seats • Hydraulic Hose • Roller Chains

ElEctric Motor & BEaring SErvicE

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Painting • Chimney RepairsCarpentry • Tree Trimming


Tom WentzlerAlbert Lea

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1-507-373-4030 • 1-800-338-0055


SHOP Hours:

Tuesday-Friday 7-5 Closed Saturday

220 E. 7th St.,Albert Lea, MN

373-1101 Gary Thompson

SouthSidE MotorS WE BUy & SELL CARS



& Body RepaiR507-373-4164 &

1401 Se Broadway • albert lea1137 S. broadway, Albert Lea • 377-3704

Store Hours:M-F 10-6, Thurs. Til 7


"Resolve to get fit in 2012"Airdynes•EllipticalsTreadmillsLocal Delievery and Set up

in Albert leAsouth CHECK OUT THE SOUTH SIDE OF TOWNof Main

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Business AssociationSection?

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window Treatments • wall coverings • Office chairsFile cabinets • desks • lawn mowers • miscellaneous

FCS 02.14.2012 - [PDF Document] (5)

64 APTS., DUPLEXES FOR RENTNice Updated 2 Bedroom Apartment; Garage, water/sewer & garbage furnished. $450.00 per month, plus deposits. Call 507-373-5970.

AFFORDABLE RENTALS in Albert Lea, Clarks Grove, Emmons & Hollandale. 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apart-ments. No age limits! FREE tours & free applica-tions! 800-676-6505, tdd 507-451-0704 www.life-styleinc.net Equal Housing Opportunity.

One bedroom downtown apartments for rent. Call Julie 507-456-1781 (agent). 07/28b00/09


One Bedroom Apartment with off street parking. No pets. References required. $375.00 per month plus deposit, utilities included. 507-383-9219.

66 HOUSE FOR RENT212 5TH AVE. S. Cozy one bedroom, one story. New carpet. Garage. Appliances included. $350.00 deposit. $375.00 rent. 391-0144.

EMMONS Spacious 4 BR home in at 231 Concord. Garage. Appliances included. $400.00 deposit. $495.00 rent. Application required. 391-0144.

Nice 3 Bedroom Home for rent: $550.00 plus utili-ties. New windows, bathroom, roof, furnace. Available February 1st! 507-440-4062.

Cozy 2 bedroom, 1 bath House w/basement in Country near Clarks Grove. Garage includes wa-ter / sewer and appliances. $400.00 deposit, $450.00 rent plus utilities. No smoking or pets. Available May 1. Call 507-256-7288. 07/31p00/09

3 & 4 Bedroom Homes Available for Rent in Brice-lyn. Contact 507-525-2048. 07/28c00/09

114 LAKE Three bedroom two story home. Two baths. Main floor laundry. Garage. Appliances included. $400.00 deposit. $495.00 rent. Appli-cation required. 391-0144. 07/30p0009

68 BUSINESS SPACE FOR RENTFor Rent: 6,000 sq. ft. Steel Building 2.5 acres, 2 offices, 2 restroom. 606 W. 9th St., Albert Lea, MN. Call 507-567-2993 or 507-437-3700. tfn/14b00

Office Space for Rent close to Downtown Albert Lea. Office window faces Main St. 620 sq. ft. $450 per month. Off street parking. 507-383-9219.

Would you like to have your own Beauty Salon? 630 square feet of space for rent plumbed for 3 or 4 sinks. Previous salon. $400.00 per month. Off street parking. 507-383-9219. tfn/0e00

73 HOUSES FOR SALEALWAYS DREAMED OF LIVING IN THE COUNTY? Make Your Dream a Reality & Affordable! This 3 Bedroom House on 5 acres plus outbuildings is centrally located between Albert Lea & Mankato. PRICE REDUCED to $64,500.00 - This Acreage won't be around long! Call Now for a showing 507-383-9688. 03/28p00/08

TWIN HOMES FOR SALE: Owner is offering TERMS or TRADE. 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath upscale homes that have been beautifully finished with attention to detail. Albert Lea Lake and I-35 exit close by. Priced at $175,000.00. Call 507-373-9586. KEN-NETH R. LELAND REALTY, INC. 07/33b00/09

House for by Owner: 3 bedroom, 2 baths, deck. Close to hospital & downtown. Call for more infor-mation. 507-373-5935. 06/28c00/08

For Sale: 1 bedroom House, garage, fenced backyard. Call 507-852-2810. 06/28c00/08

83 AUTOSFor Sale: 2001 Chevy Impala LD Sedan, silver, 47,766 miles, runs well, one owner. Interior is excel-lent, good tires. Great car! Asking $5,000.00. Call 507-383-6365 to see car. 06/30b00/08

NEED CASH? Wanted To Buy, Used Cars Under $1,000.00. Call 507-383-4430. tfn/14b00

WANTED: Cars, Trucks & Junk Cars $150.00 & up & up. Copper, Aluminum & Brass. Car Batteries. Call 507-318-0869 (Leave Message).

84 AUTO PARTS, EQUIPMENT, TIRESAluminum Wheels - Take offs as low as $100.00/set. FLAHERTY'S HI-TECH MOTORWERKS - Airport Rd. & Hi Tec Ave., Albert Lea. 507-373-2464.

88 PICKUPS, SUV'S & VANSFor Sale: '99 Dodge Dakota Pickup - Ext. cab, runs great! $3,400.00 OBO. Also: '99 Acura Integra Sporty - 2 door, great gas mileage. $2,300.00 OBO. Call 507-402-4743. 07/29p00/09

Truck for sale: Ford Ranger 1997 supercab, low mileage, excellant 4.0 Six cylindar engine, rhino liner, 4x4, black, power windows, good tires. 507-271-1982

52 PETSFREE to Good Home: Due to illness owner most give up 5 month old male Kitten w/ unique mark-ings. Has had all his shots & wormed. Call 507-373-4419. 07/10c00/07

To adopt a CAT or DOG Check out our Website www.hsffc.org or Call the Freeborn County Hu-mane Society @ 507-377-8501 Tuesdays & Thurs-days 1PM to 4PM. tfn/0nc00

You can Help out our Furry Friends by Donating any of the following Items...Cat litter, medium lit-ter pans, hand sanitizer, bleach, lemon or orange Pine Sol, dish soap & laundry soap. To Donate items call the Freeborn County Humane Society @ 507-377-8501 Tuesdays & Thursdays 1PM to 4PM. tfn/0nc00

58 SPORTING GOODS, HUNTING, ETCGuns, Ammo, Powder & Primers. Open Monday - Saturday 9:00AM-5:00PM, or by Appointment call 507-373-0966, 1800 Oakwood Terrace, Albert Lea, MN. 06/28c00/08

RIFLES, SHOTGUNS, PISTOLS, New and Used. Buy - Sell - Trade. BILL’S GUN SHOP, Open Tuesday and Thursday 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm, 216 Independence, Clarks Grove, MN 56016, Phone 507-256-4870.

64 APTS., DUPLEXES FOR RENTFor Rent in Lake Mills. 1 bedroom Apartment, $260.00 includes appliances & heat, also 2 bed-room Unit w/basement $325.00, Deposit & Refer-ences required. Call 641-590-1593. 05/30c00/07

APARTMENT FOR RENT: 1 bedroom Apartment In Lake Mills, Iowa, $300.00/month. Ask for Scott at 641-592-0041 05/28b00/07

Call 373-1310 To PlaCe Your Classified ad! The Freeborn County Shopper | Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | Page 5The Freeborn County Shopper | Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | Page 8 Call 373-1310 To PlaCe Your Classified ad!

OPPORTUNITIES62 EMPLOYMENTWANTED - Herbicide Applicator: Seasonal Travel, Competitive Wages. Will train for Applicators Li-cense. Valid DL, CDL a plus. Drug free workplace. Call 507-552-1225. EOE/AAP M-F-D-DV. 05/182b00/07

DRIVERS NEEDED: OTR, leave Monday home on Friday. Paid by the load, 2 years Experience, CDL, current Health Card, No traffic violations in the past year. VERN'S TRUCKING 507-256-4400, Fax: 507-256-4502 or [emailprotected] 05/31b00/07

NOW HIRING: Companies desperately need em-ployees to assemble products at home. No sell-ing, any hours. $500.00 weekly potential. Info. 1-985-646-1700 DEPT. MN-485. 06/66p00/08

FOOT ROUTE CARRIERS WANTED in GENEVA & LAKE MILLS, IA. Please Call Jennifer @ 507-373-1310 or email: [emailprotected]. tfn/0fcs00

Masterson Personnel has iMMediate oPenings


•Machine Operators• Warehouse

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In < 60 Days Of EmploymentFull-time positions available in

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Maint.-Layer House, A/B ShiftStarting pay $10, wage increases up to $1.75/hour within 180 days

Interested parties can apply at:13780 450th St, Thompson, IA or

the Iowa Workforce website.Call (641) 584-2050

for more information, EOE

!Come Grow With Us!

Director of Dining ServicesThorne Crest Retirement Community, Albert Lea’s premier senior community, is seeking a full time Dining Services Director to join our dynamic management team. The selected candidate will be an enthusiastic, self motivated individual who possesses Certified Dietary Manager, Certified Food Protection Professional credentials. Multitasking as well as technical skills along with the desire to deliver true customer service to this unique group of people are just a few of the skills we desire. We offer a generous compensation package, full benefits and flexibility. This is an opportunity for the right individual to contribute to an important mission while making a great career move. If this sounds like you, we should talk.

Please pick up or request an application form at the main reception desk.

You may request an application and e-mail your resume to: [emailprotected]

1201 Garfield • Albert Lea, MN 56007507-373-2311

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PUZZLE PAGEAcross1. Emergency vehicle 10. Eyeball benders (2 wds)15. Those with sound judgment16. Optician’s rouge 17. Those who are confined in

wartime 18. Lingo19. Directly20. “How ___!”21. W African storytellers 22. Bent23. Protein particles responsible

for degenerative diseases of the nervous system

24. ___ and Hardy 27. Amalgam28. Buenos ___29. Small tart tree fruit 33. “I had no ___!”34. Be bombastic35. Hip bones36. Discuss an issue from a differ-

ent point of view 38. Considers

39. Daughter of Saturn40. Take back41. Vascular inner layer of skin 43. Supergarb44. Pranksters 45. Kill, in a way46. Long-jawed fish49. Old World plants, such as

cuckoopint 50. Condiment on lamb (2 wds) 52. Lure 53. Person who attacks another 54. Flip, in a way55. Came in again

Down1. Bone-dry2. Restaurant options3. Diminish4. “It’s no ___!”5. Large motor vehicles with flat

platforms 6. Yearly 7. Demands8. Algonquian Indian

9. Cousin of -trix10. Egg-shaped instrument11. Object valued for evoking a

historical time (2 wds) 12. About 1% of the atmosphere13. Laugh-a-minute folks14. Makes lace21. Cousin of a loon22. Hansel and Gretel’s trail marks

(2 wds) 23. Braids 24. Animal house25. Assistant26. Carbamide27. Chutzpah29. Algonquin Indians 30. “Guilty,” e.g.31. Describe32. “___ of Eden”34. Gold braid37. 1919 world heavyweight

champion 38. Sediment40. Wicker material41. Egyptian corn 42. Small ornamental ladies’ bags 43. Perfume44. Street fleet45. Workbench attachment46. ___ gum, used as thickening

agent in food 47. Bad marks48. Abbr. after many a general’s

name50. Fold, spindle or mutilate51. A pint, maybe

2 1 7

5 7 4

9 6 2 4

1 6 3 8

3 4

9 8 3 1

4 8 7 9

6 5 3

5 7 2

HErE’s sudoku HoW it Works:Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!


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Applications will be accepted thru Feb. 17, 2012.

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FCS 02.14.2012 - [PDF Document] (6)

The Freeborn County Shopper | Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | Page 6 The Freeborn County Shopper | Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | Page 7

Home Improvements Eligible for Tax Breaks or RebatesHomeowners often look to make improve-ments to their homes to improve aesthet-ics, save money or make their homes more energy efficient. What they may not know is that certain home improvements may qualify them for manufacturer or energy supplier rebates and even federal tax cred-its that can help a person save even more.

Not all products are eligible each year, so it's beneficial to know what tax incentives are out there regarding home retrofits. Here are some programs to keep in mind.

U.S. residents who made home improve-ments in 2011 may be eligible for tax credits when filing a 2011 tax return. Installation and replacement of biomass stoves, HVAC systems, insulation, metal and asphalt roofs, nonsolar water heat-

ers and windows/doors can earn a person up to 10 percent of the cost, up to $500, or a specific amount from $50 to $300. Improvements must have been done to an existing home and principal residence by December 31, 2011.

Federal tax credits for 2012 include geo-thermal heat pumps. These are similar to ordinary heat pumps, but use the ground instead of outside air to provide heat-ing, air conditioning and, in most cases, hot water. Use of small residential wind turbines and solar energy systems, includ-ing solar water heaters and photovoltaic panels, are also eligible. These tax credits offer 30 percent of the cost of the renova-tion with no upper limit.

Visit http://Energy.gov/savings to deter-mine any additional rebate and savings programs that may be offered in your state.


THURSDAY, FEB. 23, 2012AUCTION STARTS AT 12:00 NOONLOCATION: Eagles Club, 141 Rose St East, Owatonna, MN.PROPERTy LOCATION: From Medford, MN, four miles east on Steele Cty 12 (or 69th St NE).

WATCH FOR AUCTION SIGNS!!!auctioneers note: I would like to thank everybody for the interest in the Parrish land auction. For many years, Lloyd and Ellouise have taken great pride in their farming operation. If you're in the market for some of Steele County's productive farmland or looking for that country living building site, you'll want to be sure to attend this auction. Col. Tracy Holland

183.24 acres steeLe countY's ProDuctiVe FarMLanD - 75.93 acres steeLe countY's

ProDuctiVe FarMLanD/HuntinG 5-acre BuiLDinG site WitH 2+ BeDrooM HoMe

A Professional Full Service Auction Company, Member of State & National Auctioneer's Association

HOLLANd AUCTION CO. 507-684-2955 • 507-456-5128Tracy Holland & Associates #7405002, Ellendale, MN

For Full Color Pictures & Listing Visit Our Website www.hollandauction.com

ParceL 1: Consisting of 75.93 acres, more or less, of Steele County’s farmland/hunting, Mer-ton Township, Section 7. Tillable acres 47.6, crop productivity in-dex (CPI) 79.2. There are cur-rently approximately 13.7 acres enrolled in the CRP program on this parcel until 9-30-12 with av-erage payment of $120 per acre. The remaining acres are mostly mature woodland with a beautiful winding river. Wildlife lovers, you’ll want to take a look at this one.ParceL 2: Consisting of 183.24 acres, more or less, of Steele County’s productive farmland, Merton Township, Section 7. Tillable acres 176.2, crop productivity index (CPI) 89. There are 22.9 acres on the west line of this parcel enrolled in a CRP contract with total payment of $3067 per year until 2018. There will also be approxi-mately 10 acres of CRP on this parcel, located on the north-west end with a contract to expire on 9-30-12 with an approximate aver-age of $120 per acre payment.ParceL 3: Consisting of a 2+ bedroom home on five acres, more or less, kitchen, living + dining rooms, 1 1/2 baths, main floor util-ity, partial finished basement with family room, central air, vaulted ceiling in living room, patio door to large deck off the rear of house overlooking your own pond, submersible well, steel siding, at-tached single car garage with opener, located on a blacktop road. There are approximately three acres tillable on this parcel.

information from steele county fsa and swcd offices are the combination of all three parcels. corn base 141, corn direct + cc yield 121, soybean base 8.2, soybean direct + cc yield 31, wheat base 2.6, Wheat direct + cc yield 44. there are currently 46.6 acres total enrolled in the steele county crp program on parcels 1 + 2, which will be pro-rated to exact acres per parcels pending new buyers, see parcels 1+2 above for approximate figures.

For color aerial, soil & tile maps go to www.hollandauc-tion.com or for more information call Holland auction at 507-684-2955 or 507-456-5128.

reaL estate terMs: Successful bidder shall be required to pay $20,000 down (NON-REFUNDABLE) on Parcel 1, $40,000 down (NON-REFUNDABLE) on Parcel 2, $5,000 down (NON-REFUND-ABLE) on Parcel 3 and sign a purchase agreement immediately following the conclusion of the real estate auction. The balance shall be due on or before March 23, 2012. Bruce Mikeworth, attor-ney for real estate and handling all earnest monies. All information is believed to be correct, but is not guaranteed. Buyers shall rely on their own own information, judgment and inspection. Any verbal announcements day of auction takes precedence over print. NO BUYER'S FEE ON THIS AUCTION. cLerk Holland Auction Co.

ELLOUISE M. PARRISH - ESTATE 4124 69th St. NE, Medford, MN

oPen HouseWeDnesDaY, FeB. 15

12:00 to 1:30 P.M. anD tHursDaY, FeB. 16

4:00 to 5:30 P.M. or BY aPPointMent onLY - caLL HoLLanD auction

at (507) 684-2955

inForMation FroM steeLe countY Fsa anD sWcD oFFic-es are tHe coMBination oF aLL tHree ParceLs. corn Base 141, corn Direct + cc YieLD 121, soYBean Base 8.2, soYBean Direct + cc YieLD 31, WHeat Base 2.6, WHeat Direct + cc YieLD 44. tHere are currentLY 46.6 acres totaL enroLLeD in tHe steeLe countY crP ProGraM on ParceLs 1 + 2, WHicH WiLL Be Pro-rateD to exact acres Per ParceLs PenDinG neW BuYers, see ParceLs 1+2 aBoVe For aPProxiMate FiGures.

For coLor aeriaL, soiL & tiLe MaPs Go to WWW.HoLLanDauction.coM or For More inForMation caLL HoLLanD auction at 507-684-2955 or 507-456-5128.

• Affordable Closing Costs• Experienced• Excellent Customer Service• Fixed, Variable or Balloon Products• Purchase and Refinance• Home Improvement/Home Equity

Call Today 373-1481

437-Bridge Ave., Albert Lea507-373-1481 • 1-800-657-6961

www.securitybankmn.comMember FDIC

Buying, Refinancing & Remodeling

We Can Help!

Julie ClaussenMortgage Lender AVP


Who Else Wants the BIGGEST TAX REFUND Allowed by the IRS?

$25 DiscountNew Clients Only

Expires 3/1/12

1425 St. John Ave., Albert Lea, MN507-373-2185

Excellent Tax Help Outstanding Customer Service

Great Discount What could be better?

With all of the NEW tax law changes, filing a tax return can be con-fusing and easy to miss out on hundreds of dollars in refunds that

could be yours! We work with Individuals, Farms, Businesses, Partnerships, Corporations & Non-Profits, so we can help YOU!

Allow us to help you save tax dollars and make your life easier this tax season! Call 373-2185 to set up your personal interview with one of our knowledgeable tax preparers! And, bring in this ad for a:

Hollandauction & Real Estate

“Your #1 Auction Professionals”

Upcoming 2012 AuctionsThursday • Feb. 23 • 12 NOON

259 Acres - Steele CountyEllouise M. Parrish Estate - Medford, MNProductive farmland, 5 acre building site with 2 + bedroom home. Merton Township, Sect. 7

Thursday • March 22 • 12 NOONKurtis Hanson, Owner - Clarks Grove, MN13 acres Freeborn County productive farmland, Bath Township, Sect. 23

Saturday • April 7 • 9:30 AMLarge Machinery Auction - Hope, MN

Tractors, haying equipment, tillage, wagons, grain trucks, recreational items welcome. Consign early to take full advantage of advertising.

Farmland & Farm Equipment in High Demand. We have buyers for your farmland selling by private treaty or auction. Southern MN & Northern IA, Leading Auctioneers with a reputation for consistently achieving the highest prices in the industry. Give us a call for all your professional auction needs!

Col. Tracy Holland & AssociatesEllendale, MN (507) 684-2955 or (507) 456-5128


For Full Color Pictures & Listings Visit Our Website: www.hollandauction.com

www.FarmersNational.comServing America’s Landowners Since 1929

Whether it is alive auction or privatetreaty - we can do it!

Call today for your real estate needs!Lowell Gabriel, Agent/Auctioneer

[emailprotected] NATIONAL COMPANY was rated the #1 auction company with $135 million in land sales in 2010

--The Land Report - Spring 2011

Rick Mummert



505 Pilot St., Albert Lea, MN 507-377-3174



• Guide •

Landon Uthke Benefit

Saturday, March 3, 2012 Austin Eagles Club

107 11th St NE., Austin, MN

10:00 a.m.—??

On October 23, three year old Landon Uthke was injured in a lawn tractor accident at his home. As a result of the accident, Landon’s left leg had to be amputated just above the knee.

Quite the little trooper, Landon is quickly adjusting to changes in his lifestyle. Though parents Kevin and Petra Uthke are quietly thankful to have their son home with them, and reluctant to ask for assistance, the extraordinary medical expenses have understandably put a strain on the

family budget. Landon is now a healthy growing boy, but will need a number of prosthetic limbs designed and fitted in the years to come. Family and friends are hosting a fundraiser to

establish an account that will assist with Landon’s continued medical care.

Don’t miss

Six Mile Grove

kickin’ off the music at 8:30 p.m.!

Bean Bag Tournament 10:00 a.m. $20 donation per team

Silent Auction 10:00 a.m.—8:00 p.m.

Bake Sale Live Auction All day! begins at 6:00 p.m.

Blankets for Babes Donate a handmade or purchased blanket,

quilt or afghan to be sold at the live auction!

Food Available ALL DAY!!!

Bring in your can tabs to be donated to

the Ronald McDonald House.

Precision Septic Services, LLC

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1602 Garfield Avenue - $139,100 Great newer split level home built in 1995, northside location. 4 BR, 3 baths, 2 car garage, central vac, C/A, oversized rear yard backs up to woods, deck, and more. MLS #4033089 - Hosted by Melody Lembke BROKER

1115 E Main St,Albert Lea, MN 56007507-373-SOLD (7653)

OpEn HOUsE saturday, Feb. 1810 am-12 pm

PICTURE THISPhotographsSend Us Your Best Photos...• Landmarks and Scenery in Freeborn

& Mower Counties

• Area Community and School Events

• Fairs and Festivals

• Small Town Community Events

Photos Will be Featured In Our

110 Pearl St., Albert Lea, MN507-373-1310

Upcoming Publications

E-Mail Photos To:[emailprotected]

Or Mail To: The Freeborn County Shopper P.O. Box 1108 110 Pearl St., Albert Lea, MN 56007

160 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea, MN 507-377-0818

Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9 am to 8 pm, Fri. & Sat. 9 am to 10 pm


$100 offLimit 1 coupon per customer.

Exlcudes sale items. Expires 2/21/12.



15% offLimit 1 coupon per customer.

Exlcudes sale items. Expires 2/21/12.



FCS 02.14.2012 - [PDF Document] (7)

The Freeborn County Shopper | Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | Page 6 The Freeborn County Shopper | Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | Page 7

Home Improvements Eligible for Tax Breaks or RebatesHomeowners often look to make improve-ments to their homes to improve aesthet-ics, save money or make their homes more energy efficient. What they may not know is that certain home improvements may qualify them for manufacturer or energy supplier rebates and even federal tax cred-its that can help a person save even more.

Not all products are eligible each year, so it's beneficial to know what tax incentives are out there regarding home retrofits. Here are some programs to keep in mind.

U.S. residents who made home improve-ments in 2011 may be eligible for tax credits when filing a 2011 tax return. Installation and replacement of biomass stoves, HVAC systems, insulation, metal and asphalt roofs, nonsolar water heat-

ers and windows/doors can earn a person up to 10 percent of the cost, up to $500, or a specific amount from $50 to $300. Improvements must have been done to an existing home and principal residence by December 31, 2011.

Federal tax credits for 2012 include geo-thermal heat pumps. These are similar to ordinary heat pumps, but use the ground instead of outside air to provide heat-ing, air conditioning and, in most cases, hot water. Use of small residential wind turbines and solar energy systems, includ-ing solar water heaters and photovoltaic panels, are also eligible. These tax credits offer 30 percent of the cost of the renova-tion with no upper limit.

Visit http://Energy.gov/savings to deter-mine any additional rebate and savings programs that may be offered in your state.


THURSDAY, FEB. 23, 2012AUCTION STARTS AT 12:00 NOONLOCATION: Eagles Club, 141 Rose St East, Owatonna, MN.PROPERTy LOCATION: From Medford, MN, four miles east on Steele Cty 12 (or 69th St NE).

WATCH FOR AUCTION SIGNS!!!auctioneers note: I would like to thank everybody for the interest in the Parrish land auction. For many years, Lloyd and Ellouise have taken great pride in their farming operation. If you're in the market for some of Steele County's productive farmland or looking for that country living building site, you'll want to be sure to attend this auction. Col. Tracy Holland

183.24 acres steeLe countY's ProDuctiVe FarMLanD - 75.93 acres steeLe countY's

ProDuctiVe FarMLanD/HuntinG 5-acre BuiLDinG site WitH 2+ BeDrooM HoMe

A Professional Full Service Auction Company, Member of State & National Auctioneer's Association

HOLLANd AUCTION CO. 507-684-2955 • 507-456-5128Tracy Holland & Associates #7405002, Ellendale, MN

For Full Color Pictures & Listing Visit Our Website www.hollandauction.com

ParceL 1: Consisting of 75.93 acres, more or less, of Steele County’s farmland/hunting, Mer-ton Township, Section 7. Tillable acres 47.6, crop productivity in-dex (CPI) 79.2. There are cur-rently approximately 13.7 acres enrolled in the CRP program on this parcel until 9-30-12 with av-erage payment of $120 per acre. The remaining acres are mostly mature woodland with a beautiful winding river. Wildlife lovers, you’ll want to take a look at this one.ParceL 2: Consisting of 183.24 acres, more or less, of Steele County’s productive farmland, Merton Township, Section 7. Tillable acres 176.2, crop productivity index (CPI) 89. There are 22.9 acres on the west line of this parcel enrolled in a CRP contract with total payment of $3067 per year until 2018. There will also be approxi-mately 10 acres of CRP on this parcel, located on the north-west end with a contract to expire on 9-30-12 with an approximate aver-age of $120 per acre payment.ParceL 3: Consisting of a 2+ bedroom home on five acres, more or less, kitchen, living + dining rooms, 1 1/2 baths, main floor util-ity, partial finished basement with family room, central air, vaulted ceiling in living room, patio door to large deck off the rear of house overlooking your own pond, submersible well, steel siding, at-tached single car garage with opener, located on a blacktop road. There are approximately three acres tillable on this parcel.

information from steele county fsa and swcd offices are the combination of all three parcels. corn base 141, corn direct + cc yield 121, soybean base 8.2, soybean direct + cc yield 31, wheat base 2.6, Wheat direct + cc yield 44. there are currently 46.6 acres total enrolled in the steele county crp program on parcels 1 + 2, which will be pro-rated to exact acres per parcels pending new buyers, see parcels 1+2 above for approximate figures.

For color aerial, soil & tile maps go to www.hollandauc-tion.com or for more information call Holland auction at 507-684-2955 or 507-456-5128.

reaL estate terMs: Successful bidder shall be required to pay $20,000 down (NON-REFUNDABLE) on Parcel 1, $40,000 down (NON-REFUNDABLE) on Parcel 2, $5,000 down (NON-REFUND-ABLE) on Parcel 3 and sign a purchase agreement immediately following the conclusion of the real estate auction. The balance shall be due on or before March 23, 2012. Bruce Mikeworth, attor-ney for real estate and handling all earnest monies. All information is believed to be correct, but is not guaranteed. Buyers shall rely on their own own information, judgment and inspection. Any verbal announcements day of auction takes precedence over print. NO BUYER'S FEE ON THIS AUCTION. cLerk Holland Auction Co.

ELLOUISE M. PARRISH - ESTATE 4124 69th St. NE, Medford, MN

oPen HouseWeDnesDaY, FeB. 15

12:00 to 1:30 P.M. anD tHursDaY, FeB. 16

4:00 to 5:30 P.M. or BY aPPointMent onLY - caLL HoLLanD auction

at (507) 684-2955

inForMation FroM steeLe countY Fsa anD sWcD oFFic-es are tHe coMBination oF aLL tHree ParceLs. corn Base 141, corn Direct + cc YieLD 121, soYBean Base 8.2, soYBean Direct + cc YieLD 31, WHeat Base 2.6, WHeat Direct + cc YieLD 44. tHere are currentLY 46.6 acres totaL enroLLeD in tHe steeLe countY crP ProGraM on ParceLs 1 + 2, WHicH WiLL Be Pro-rateD to exact acres Per ParceLs PenDinG neW BuYers, see ParceLs 1+2 aBoVe For aPProxiMate FiGures.

For coLor aeriaL, soiL & tiLe MaPs Go to WWW.HoLLanDauction.coM or For More inForMation caLL HoLLanD auction at 507-684-2955 or 507-456-5128.

• Affordable Closing Costs• Experienced• Excellent Customer Service• Fixed, Variable or Balloon Products• Purchase and Refinance• Home Improvement/Home Equity

Call Today 373-1481

437-Bridge Ave., Albert Lea507-373-1481 • 1-800-657-6961

www.securitybankmn.comMember FDIC

Buying, Refinancing & Remodeling

We Can Help!

Julie ClaussenMortgage Lender AVP


Who Else Wants the BIGGEST TAX REFUND Allowed by the IRS?

$25 DiscountNew Clients Only

Expires 3/1/12

1425 St. John Ave., Albert Lea, MN507-373-2185

Excellent Tax Help Outstanding Customer Service

Great Discount What could be better?

With all of the NEW tax law changes, filing a tax return can be con-fusing and easy to miss out on hundreds of dollars in refunds that

could be yours! We work with Individuals, Farms, Businesses, Partnerships, Corporations & Non-Profits, so we can help YOU!

Allow us to help you save tax dollars and make your life easier this tax season! Call 373-2185 to set up your personal interview with one of our knowledgeable tax preparers! And, bring in this ad for a:

Hollandauction & Real Estate

“Your #1 Auction Professionals”

Upcoming 2012 AuctionsThursday • Feb. 23 • 12 NOON

259 Acres - Steele CountyEllouise M. Parrish Estate - Medford, MNProductive farmland, 5 acre building site with 2 + bedroom home. Merton Township, Sect. 7

Thursday • March 22 • 12 NOONKurtis Hanson, Owner - Clarks Grove, MN13 acres Freeborn County productive farmland, Bath Township, Sect. 23

Saturday • April 7 • 9:30 AMLarge Machinery Auction - Hope, MN

Tractors, haying equipment, tillage, wagons, grain trucks, recreational items welcome. Consign early to take full advantage of advertising.

Farmland & Farm Equipment in High Demand. We have buyers for your farmland selling by private treaty or auction. Southern MN & Northern IA, Leading Auctioneers with a reputation for consistently achieving the highest prices in the industry. Give us a call for all your professional auction needs!

Col. Tracy Holland & AssociatesEllendale, MN (507) 684-2955 or (507) 456-5128


For Full Color Pictures & Listings Visit Our Website: www.hollandauction.com

www.FarmersNational.comServing America’s Landowners Since 1929

Whether it is alive auction or privatetreaty - we can do it!

Call today for your real estate needs!Lowell Gabriel, Agent/Auctioneer

[emailprotected] NATIONAL COMPANY was rated the #1 auction company with $135 million in land sales in 2010

--The Land Report - Spring 2011

Rick Mummert



505 Pilot St., Albert Lea, MN 507-377-3174



• Guide •

Landon Uthke Benefit

Saturday, March 3, 2012 Austin Eagles Club

107 11th St NE., Austin, MN

10:00 a.m.—??

On October 23, three year old Landon Uthke was injured in a lawn tractor accident at his home. As a result of the accident, Landon’s left leg had to be amputated just above the knee.

Quite the little trooper, Landon is quickly adjusting to changes in his lifestyle. Though parents Kevin and Petra Uthke are quietly thankful to have their son home with them, and reluctant to ask for assistance, the extraordinary medical expenses have understandably put a strain on the

family budget. Landon is now a healthy growing boy, but will need a number of prosthetic limbs designed and fitted in the years to come. Family and friends are hosting a fundraiser to

establish an account that will assist with Landon’s continued medical care.

Don’t miss

Six Mile Grove

kickin’ off the music at 8:30 p.m.!

Bean Bag Tournament 10:00 a.m. $20 donation per team

Silent Auction 10:00 a.m.—8:00 p.m.

Bake Sale Live Auction All day! begins at 6:00 p.m.

Blankets for Babes Donate a handmade or purchased blanket,

quilt or afghan to be sold at the live auction!

Food Available ALL DAY!!!

Bring in your can tabs to be donated to

the Ronald McDonald House.

Precision Septic Services, LLC

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1602 Garfield Avenue - $139,100 Great newer split level home built in 1995, northside location. 4 BR, 3 baths, 2 car garage, central vac, C/A, oversized rear yard backs up to woods, deck, and more. MLS #4033089 - Hosted by Melody Lembke BROKER

1115 E Main St,Albert Lea, MN 56007507-373-SOLD (7653)

OpEn HOUsE saturday, Feb. 1810 am-12 pm

PICTURE THISPhotographsSend Us Your Best Photos...• Landmarks and Scenery in Freeborn

& Mower Counties

• Area Community and School Events

• Fairs and Festivals

• Small Town Community Events

Photos Will be Featured In Our

110 Pearl St., Albert Lea, MN507-373-1310

Upcoming Publications

E-Mail Photos To:[emailprotected]

Or Mail To: The Freeborn County Shopper P.O. Box 1108 110 Pearl St., Albert Lea, MN 56007

160 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea, MN 507-377-0818

Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9 am to 8 pm, Fri. & Sat. 9 am to 10 pm


$100 offLimit 1 coupon per customer.

Exlcudes sale items. Expires 2/21/12.



15% offLimit 1 coupon per customer.

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FCS 02.14.2012 - [PDF Document] (8)

64 APTS., DUPLEXES FOR RENTNice Updated 2 Bedroom Apartment; Garage, water/sewer & garbage furnished. $450.00 per month, plus deposits. Call 507-373-5970.

AFFORDABLE RENTALS in Albert Lea, Clarks Grove, Emmons & Hollandale. 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apart-ments. No age limits! FREE tours & free applica-tions! 800-676-6505, tdd 507-451-0704 www.life-styleinc.net Equal Housing Opportunity.

One bedroom downtown apartments for rent. Call Julie 507-456-1781 (agent). 07/28b00/09


One Bedroom Apartment with off street parking. No pets. References required. $375.00 per month plus deposit, utilities included. 507-383-9219.

66 HOUSE FOR RENT212 5TH AVE. S. Cozy one bedroom, one story. New carpet. Garage. Appliances included. $350.00 deposit. $375.00 rent. 391-0144.

EMMONS Spacious 4 BR home in at 231 Concord. Garage. Appliances included. $400.00 deposit. $495.00 rent. Application required. 391-0144.

Nice 3 Bedroom Home for rent: $550.00 plus utili-ties. New windows, bathroom, roof, furnace. Available February 1st! 507-440-4062.

Cozy 2 bedroom, 1 bath House w/basement in Country near Clarks Grove. Garage includes wa-ter / sewer and appliances. $400.00 deposit, $450.00 rent plus utilities. No smoking or pets. Available May 1. Call 507-256-7288. 07/31p00/09

3 & 4 Bedroom Homes Available for Rent in Brice-lyn. Contact 507-525-2048. 07/28c00/09

114 LAKE Three bedroom two story home. Two baths. Main floor laundry. Garage. Appliances included. $400.00 deposit. $495.00 rent. Appli-cation required. 391-0144. 07/30p0009

68 BUSINESS SPACE FOR RENTFor Rent: 6,000 sq. ft. Steel Building 2.5 acres, 2 offices, 2 restroom. 606 W. 9th St., Albert Lea, MN. Call 507-567-2993 or 507-437-3700. tfn/14b00

Office Space for Rent close to Downtown Albert Lea. Office window faces Main St. 620 sq. ft. $450 per month. Off street parking. 507-383-9219.

Would you like to have your own Beauty Salon? 630 square feet of space for rent plumbed for 3 or 4 sinks. Previous salon. $400.00 per month. Off street parking. 507-383-9219. tfn/0e00

73 HOUSES FOR SALEALWAYS DREAMED OF LIVING IN THE COUNTY? Make Your Dream a Reality & Affordable! This 3 Bedroom House on 5 acres plus outbuildings is centrally located between Albert Lea & Mankato. PRICE REDUCED to $64,500.00 - This Acreage won't be around long! Call Now for a showing 507-383-9688. 03/28p00/08

TWIN HOMES FOR SALE: Owner is offering TERMS or TRADE. 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath upscale homes that have been beautifully finished with attention to detail. Albert Lea Lake and I-35 exit close by. Priced at $175,000.00. Call 507-373-9586. KEN-NETH R. LELAND REALTY, INC. 07/33b00/09

House for by Owner: 3 bedroom, 2 baths, deck. Close to hospital & downtown. Call for more infor-mation. 507-373-5935. 06/28c00/08

For Sale: 1 bedroom House, garage, fenced backyard. Call 507-852-2810. 06/28c00/08

83 AUTOSFor Sale: 2001 Chevy Impala LD Sedan, silver, 47,766 miles, runs well, one owner. Interior is excel-lent, good tires. Great car! Asking $5,000.00. Call 507-383-6365 to see car. 06/30b00/08

NEED CASH? Wanted To Buy, Used Cars Under $1,000.00. Call 507-383-4430. tfn/14b00

WANTED: Cars, Trucks & Junk Cars $150.00 & up & up. Copper, Aluminum & Brass. Car Batteries. Call 507-318-0869 (Leave Message).

84 AUTO PARTS, EQUIPMENT, TIRESAluminum Wheels - Take offs as low as $100.00/set. FLAHERTY'S HI-TECH MOTORWERKS - Airport Rd. & Hi Tec Ave., Albert Lea. 507-373-2464.

88 PICKUPS, SUV'S & VANSFor Sale: '99 Dodge Dakota Pickup - Ext. cab, runs great! $3,400.00 OBO. Also: '99 Acura Integra Sporty - 2 door, great gas mileage. $2,300.00 OBO. Call 507-402-4743. 07/29p00/09

Truck for sale: Ford Ranger 1997 supercab, low mileage, excellant 4.0 Six cylindar engine, rhino liner, 4x4, black, power windows, good tires. 507-271-1982

52 PETSFREE to Good Home: Due to illness owner most give up 5 month old male Kitten w/ unique mark-ings. Has had all his shots & wormed. Call 507-373-4419. 07/10c00/07

To adopt a CAT or DOG Check out our Website www.hsffc.org or Call the Freeborn County Hu-mane Society @ 507-377-8501 Tuesdays & Thurs-days 1PM to 4PM. tfn/0nc00

You can Help out our Furry Friends by Donating any of the following Items...Cat litter, medium lit-ter pans, hand sanitizer, bleach, lemon or orange Pine Sol, dish soap & laundry soap. To Donate items call the Freeborn County Humane Society @ 507-377-8501 Tuesdays & Thursdays 1PM to 4PM. tfn/0nc00

58 SPORTING GOODS, HUNTING, ETCGuns, Ammo, Powder & Primers. Open Monday - Saturday 9:00AM-5:00PM, or by Appointment call 507-373-0966, 1800 Oakwood Terrace, Albert Lea, MN. 06/28c00/08

RIFLES, SHOTGUNS, PISTOLS, New and Used. Buy - Sell - Trade. BILL’S GUN SHOP, Open Tuesday and Thursday 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm, 216 Independence, Clarks Grove, MN 56016, Phone 507-256-4870.

64 APTS., DUPLEXES FOR RENTFor Rent in Lake Mills. 1 bedroom Apartment, $260.00 includes appliances & heat, also 2 bed-room Unit w/basement $325.00, Deposit & Refer-ences required. Call 641-590-1593. 05/30c00/07

APARTMENT FOR RENT: 1 bedroom Apartment In Lake Mills, Iowa, $300.00/month. Ask for Scott at 641-592-0041 05/28b00/07

Call 373-1310 To PlaCe Your Classified ad! The Freeborn County Shopper | Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | Page 5The Freeborn County Shopper | Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | Page 8 Call 373-1310 To PlaCe Your Classified ad!

OPPORTUNITIES62 EMPLOYMENTWANTED - Herbicide Applicator: Seasonal Travel, Competitive Wages. Will train for Applicators Li-cense. Valid DL, CDL a plus. Drug free workplace. Call 507-552-1225. EOE/AAP M-F-D-DV. 05/182b00/07

DRIVERS NEEDED: OTR, leave Monday home on Friday. Paid by the load, 2 years Experience, CDL, current Health Card, No traffic violations in the past year. VERN'S TRUCKING 507-256-4400, Fax: 507-256-4502 or [emailprotected] 05/31b00/07

NOW HIRING: Companies desperately need em-ployees to assemble products at home. No sell-ing, any hours. $500.00 weekly potential. Info. 1-985-646-1700 DEPT. MN-485. 06/66p00/08

FOOT ROUTE CARRIERS WANTED in GENEVA & LAKE MILLS, IA. Please Call Jennifer @ 507-373-1310 or email: [emailprotected]. tfn/0fcs00

Masterson Personnel has iMMediate oPenings


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the Iowa Workforce website.Call (641) 584-2050

for more information, EOE

!Come Grow With Us!

Director of Dining ServicesThorne Crest Retirement Community, Albert Lea’s premier senior community, is seeking a full time Dining Services Director to join our dynamic management team. The selected candidate will be an enthusiastic, self motivated individual who possesses Certified Dietary Manager, Certified Food Protection Professional credentials. Multitasking as well as technical skills along with the desire to deliver true customer service to this unique group of people are just a few of the skills we desire. We offer a generous compensation package, full benefits and flexibility. This is an opportunity for the right individual to contribute to an important mission while making a great career move. If this sounds like you, we should talk.

Please pick up or request an application form at the main reception desk.

You may request an application and e-mail your resume to: [emailprotected]

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PUZZLE PAGEAcross1. Emergency vehicle 10. Eyeball benders (2 wds)15. Those with sound judgment16. Optician’s rouge 17. Those who are confined in

wartime 18. Lingo19. Directly20. “How ___!”21. W African storytellers 22. Bent23. Protein particles responsible

for degenerative diseases of the nervous system

24. ___ and Hardy 27. Amalgam28. Buenos ___29. Small tart tree fruit 33. “I had no ___!”34. Be bombastic35. Hip bones36. Discuss an issue from a differ-

ent point of view 38. Considers

39. Daughter of Saturn40. Take back41. Vascular inner layer of skin 43. Supergarb44. Pranksters 45. Kill, in a way46. Long-jawed fish49. Old World plants, such as

cuckoopint 50. Condiment on lamb (2 wds) 52. Lure 53. Person who attacks another 54. Flip, in a way55. Came in again

Down1. Bone-dry2. Restaurant options3. Diminish4. “It’s no ___!”5. Large motor vehicles with flat

platforms 6. Yearly 7. Demands8. Algonquian Indian

9. Cousin of -trix10. Egg-shaped instrument11. Object valued for evoking a

historical time (2 wds) 12. About 1% of the atmosphere13. Laugh-a-minute folks14. Makes lace21. Cousin of a loon22. Hansel and Gretel’s trail marks

(2 wds) 23. Braids 24. Animal house25. Assistant26. Carbamide27. Chutzpah29. Algonquin Indians 30. “Guilty,” e.g.31. Describe32. “___ of Eden”34. Gold braid37. 1919 world heavyweight

champion 38. Sediment40. Wicker material41. Egyptian corn 42. Small ornamental ladies’ bags 43. Perfume44. Street fleet45. Workbench attachment46. ___ gum, used as thickening

agent in food 47. Bad marks48. Abbr. after many a general’s

name50. Fold, spindle or mutilate51. A pint, maybe

2 1 7

5 7 4

9 6 2 4

1 6 3 8

3 4

9 8 3 1

4 8 7 9

6 5 3

5 7 2

HErE’s sudoku HoW it Works:Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!


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SALESBuilding Material Sales

Wells, MN AreaLampert Yards, a multi-location retail lumber company, has an opening for a qualified Outside Sales representative at our facility in Wells.The ideal candidate will have a proven track record selling and servicing residential and com-mercial contractors. Also, the candidate will assist with in-store counter sales. Building material knowledge required; estimating and drafting experience preferredWe offer the best compensation program in the Midwest. We reward people for results! We offer full benefits including medical, dental, vision, life insurance, and 401k.

Applications will be accepted thru Feb. 17, 2012.

Lampert Yards, Inc.120 N. Broadway Wells, MN 56097

Fax: (507) 553-6364 [emailprotected]

AA/EOE Drug Free Workplace

FCS 02.14.2012 - [PDF Document] (9)

14 LAWN, GARDEN & TREE SERVICETree Trimming, Removal & Stump Grinding. Over 30 years experience. Call Jim Amarosa @ 507-256-4425. 07//55c00/12

23 SPECIAL SERVICESNEED HELP MOVING? The Household Movers – One Piece or Whole Home. 507-373-6434.

Chimney Cleaning & Repairs. Also Painting, Odd Jobs & Tree Trimming. Call 507-369-4804. tfn/14b00

26 FINANCIALSave money when you finance your home, vehi-cle, motorcycle, boat, camper, etc with Accentra Credit Union. To find out more call 800-533-0448 today or visitwww.accentracu.org. 07/0au00/12

27 FOOD PRODUCTS/PRODUCENORTHSTAR RANCH: All natural Pork - Grass fed Beef - Antibiotic Free - federally inspected. Lo-cally grown. Sold in packages or individual cuts. Call 507-383-7694. tfn/14b50

31 FLOOR COVERING & INSTALL.KARSJENS INSTALLATION - Installation of Carpet, Vinyl & Laminate. New Carpet Available. Re-stretch Existing Carpet. Cell 507-383-0708 Kent Karsjens Established 1989. tfn/14b50

36 HEATING UNITS, FIREWOOD ETC.LOWMAN'S OAK FIREWOOD - Seasoned 2 - 3 years, split & delivered $120.00. Call Steven 507-373-9316. 51/28p00/08


WOOD PELLETS SALE - Premium Softwood Pellets $215.00. per ton Full pallet price $4.75 by the bag. Len’s Wood Products…1/2 mile north of Oakland. 507-433-7807. 02/0au00/07

For Sale: Sawmill Slabs for Firewood. Work great for outdoor wood burners. $20.00 per bundle, Len's Wood Products - 507-433-7807. 1/2 mile North of Oakland. 07/0au00/09

37 GARAGE, MOVING SALESSALE: $1.00 Women's Tops, Sweaters, Jeans & Dresses. Also Store full to the brim with Kid's & Men's Clothes and Misc. Items. Well sorted great quality. WELLS CLOTHES CLOSEST THRIFT STORE, Tuesday & Friday, 11:00AM - 6:00PM, Wells, MN. Donations of items always needed! 07/32b00/09

THE ANSWER YOU SEEK IS HERE! Oregon. 07/0fcs00/07

38 HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGSFurniture and Mattresses “Clearance Center” 57% and more off. Just reduced 7 sofas under $400.00 and as low as $329.00, recliners under $300.00, sectionals and reclining sofas at comparable savings. Missed match mattress, sets all sizes while quantity last. Lane, Flexsteel, Ashley, Simmons and England. Over 250 items in the “Clearance Center” MORRIS FURNITURE Albert Lea, MN. 507-373-6434 www.morrisfurniture.com tfn/38b50

39 LAWN, SNOW, ETC. EQUIPMENTSTIHL Products in Stock - We're your Stihl Dealer. 507-448-3302 TRADING POST - Gordonsville. tfn/14b00

40 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE POWER WASHERS in Stock 507-448-3302 TRADING POST - Gordonsville. tfn/14b00

THIS AREA’S ONLY HUSQVARNA and STIHL CHAIN SAW DEALER. Chain Saw Sharpening starting at $4.00. See Mike at M & S OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT, Albert Lea, MN 507-377-7705. tfn/14b00

41 MISCELLANEOUS WANTEDWANTED: Cars, Trucks & Junk Cars $150.00 & up & up. Copper, Aluminum & Brass. Car Batteries. Call 507-318-0869 (Leave Message). 06/50p00x2/09

RECENTLY, Minnesota big ad motel buyers were trying to buy gold & silver for 30% - 40% less than Kuehl's Coins. Compare prices! Fairmont, 507-235-3886. 06/0au00/11

50 PET CARE, WALKING, ETC.STAYCATION PET CARE: Don't take your Pets to a Kennel. We come to you! Days or Evenings - Sev-en Days a Week. Also Enjoy a Cage Free Doggie Day Care 24 hour Supervised Environment. 5% of Profits go to the Humane Society. Six Years Experi-ence & References. Insured & Bonded. Visit our website at http://staycationpetcare.com or Like us on Facebook. Call 507-369-3116. tfn/15b00

Need someone to check in on your pets when you are gone for the day, a week or longer? CALL COUNTRY CARE PET SERVICE. We will come to your home as many times a day as needed. Many other services available. We’ve been in the Pet Care business since 1995. Call 507 826 3510 or email at [emailprotected] tfn/18b00

The Freeborn County Shopper | Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | Page 4 The Freeborn County Shopper | Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | Page 9Call 373-1310 To PlaCe Your Classified ad! Call 373-1310 To PlaCe Your Classified ad!

Freeborn Co. Shopper Classifieds WorkDeadline For Tuesday Issue is Friday at Noon Payment Requested Upon Receipt.




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MAIL OR bRING FORM TO THE FREEbORN COUNTY SHOPPER110 W. Pearl, box 1108, Albert Lea, MN 56007 • Phone 507-373-1310

Albert Lea ElementaryMon. 20: Presidents Day No SchoolTues. 21: BBQ chicken sandwich, egg salad sandwich, corn, cucumber slices w/dip, pearsWed. 22: WG pancakes w/syrup & eggs, ham & cheese sandwich, oven baked tator tots, apple, mandarin orangesThurs. 23: Penne pasta w/Italian meatsauce, tuna salad on wheat bread, green beans, mixed green salad, fruit cocktailFri. 24: Tony’s whole grain cheese pizza, chef salad w/egg & cheese, carrot coins celery stick w/lt. ranch, peaches

SouthwestMon. 20: Presidents Day No SchoolTues. 21: Beef taco WG flour tortilla, lettuce/tomato/cheddar cheese cup, southwest corn, black beansWed. 22: WG french toast sticks & scrambled eggs, syrup, baked tator

totsThurs. 23: Diced chicken served w/Alfredo sauce over WG rotini noodles, mixed veggies, garlic bread stickFri. 24: Battered pollock wedge, oven fried potatoes, seasoned green beans, dinner roll

St. Theodore’sMon. 20: Presidents Day No SchoolTues. 21: Hamburger on wheat bun, sun chips, peas & carrots, peachesWed. 22: Fish sticks, mashed potatoes w/butter, green beans, pineappleThurs. 23: Grilled chicken breast, brown rice, carrots & pears



Albert Lea Family Y2021 W. Main St, Albert Lea, MN 56007373-8228 • www.ymcaal.org

“We build strong kids, strong families, strong communities for 96 years”Check out your Family Y program opportunities today

Health MarketFebruary is Heart Month! Celebrate by following these heart smart shopping tips to help reduce cardiovascular disease. Your heart will thank you! • Stay on the outside of the store (fresh produce, meat and fish

market are there!)• Stock up on fresh produce• Buy frozen fruits and vegetables• Choose low-fat and fat free dairy• Select lean meats• Eat fish twice a week• Grab the whole grainsTip by Alyssa Nelson, nutrition student at Mankato State University.

2708 N. bridge, Albert Lea, MN 507-377-2257 • Email: [emailprotected]

Amy’s Tip of the Week!

Amy PleimlingRegistered Dietitian

...helping us stay fit and healthy...To Better Serve Our Customers, Curt’s Pharmacy is NOw OPeN 7 DayS a week!

• Easy Prescription Transfers, Just Call 373-MEDS (6337) and we do the rest• We Deliver & Mail Out Prescriptions FREE • Conveniently Located in Nelson’s Market Place • We Accept all Insurance Plans, Workmans comp & Medicare Part D Plans

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New HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8:30 am-7 pm, Sat. 9 am-2 pm, Sun. 11 am-2 pm

Albert Lea’s Only Locally Owned



AD COPYINSTRUCTIONS (PLEASE READ ATTACHED EMAIL ALSO)SIZE: Choose whichever size is closest to size ordered on insertion order.


CODE: Put the code (see insertion order) in very small type at the bottom of the ad in an open spot.CONSULTANT NAMES: See insertion order for which names/city to add under “Call today.... ”

SIZED FOR MOWER CO-FREEBORN SHOPPER - 1/16 page (2.375 x 3.125)

FARMERS: take advantage of the federal Bonus Depreciation incentive for 2012! See your sales consultant for details and get a quality building at a fair price!

Hurry!Before theschedulefills up!

Built on your level site, subject to local building codes, snowload requirements, crew travel in some areas and prices are subject to change without notice. Delivery not included. Mn Lic #BC048615

We’re taking orders for Spring construction!

Steve Schwebke, FairmontDavid Baldner

Support Your Favorite StarsDancing with the Freeborn County Stars

Saturday, March 17th Albert Lea High School

The_Freeborn_County_Stars_are_working_on_their_fancy_footwork_to_raise_money_for_the_Freeborn_County_Red_Cross.__The_6th_Annual_Dancing_with_the_Freeborn_County_Stars_will_be_Saturday, March 17, 2012. Your evening will be filled with style and magic by this year’s dancers: Melanie Bloom and Rusty Dawkins; Angie and Seth Stadheim; Mary and Nathan Johnson; Mary Nelson and LaMar Staloch; Dr Tom and Linda Lang; Haley Allen and Sergio Chavez; Roxanne Ehrich and Roger Zeman; Kristen Dulas and Bryce Nelson. The_dancers_are_vying_for_awards_in_three_categories_–_Top_Fundraisers_Award,_Audience_Choice_Award and the Star Award, which combines judges’ scores and the money attendees put in fishbowls that_night.__To_support_your_favorite_dancers_please_send_your_check_to_American_Red_Cross,_Free-born County Chapter, 1608 West Fountain Street, Albert Lea, MN 56007, give directly to your dancers or put in the fishbowl at the event.We_are_continuing_the_very_popular_silent_auction_along_with the event. You’ll be able to shop as you enjoy refresh-ments in the commons area of the Albert Lea High School during_the_intermission.__Tickets_for_this_fantastic_evening_are_on_sale_now._General_admission tickets will be on sale for $10 at Hy-Vee, Ben’s Floral and Frame Designs and the Convention & Visitors Bureau. Reserved seating tickets ($15 or $20) will be avail-able only at the Red Cross office, 1608 West Fountain Street, Albert Lea, MN 56007.The_money_raised_will_be_used_to_provide_Red_Cross_services_to_the_residents_of_Freeborn_County.____For_more_information_about_the_Dancing_with_the_Freeborn_County_Stars_event_or_about the American Red Cross please call us at 507-373-4544 or_visit_us_on_the_web_at_www.redcrosstc.org.__

The_American_Red_Cross_shelters,_feeds_and_provides_emotional_support_to_victims_of_disasters;_supplies_nearly_half_of_the_nation's_blood;_teaches_lifesaving_skills;_provides_international_humanitarian_aid;_and_supports_military_members_and_their_families. The Red Cross is a charitable organization — not a government agency — and depends on volunteers and the generosity_of_the_American_public_to_perform_its_mission._For_more_information,_please_visit_www.redcross.org_or_join_our_blog at http://blog.redcross.org

Thank YouWe would like to thank all of our family and friends for their support and memorials during the illness and death of our mother, Dolores. We would like to especially thank the medical staff at Mayo Health Systems, staff and residents at Thornecrest, staff at First Lutheran Church, Jackie Sletten, and staff at Bonnerup’s Funeral Home.


Baldor® Farm Duty Motors

Industrial quality motors specially designed for farm duty. Extra high torque designs through 15 H.P. Capacitor start and repulsion induction types. Totally enclosed, fan-cooled with gasketted conduit boxes. From stock. Other farm duty motors include instant reversing and replacement universal crop dryer motors - from stock.

RETAIL - WHOLESALE • Motor Rewinding • Electric Motors • Bearings • Belts • Sprockets • Seats • Hydraulic Hose • Roller Chains

ElEctric Motor & BEaring SErvicE

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Don’t bolt it, when you can weld it!• Retail Steel Sales • Welding Repair

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Painting • Chimney RepairsCarpentry • Tree Trimming


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Store Hours:M-F 10-6, Thurs. Til 7


"Resolve to get fit in 2012"Airdynes•EllipticalsTreadmillsLocal Delievery and Set up

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Business AssociationSection?

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373-82312014 E. Main

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window Treatments • wall coverings • Office chairsFile cabinets • desks • lawn mowers • miscellaneous

FCS 02.14.2012 - [PDF Document] (10)

04 LOST AND FOUNDLOST: Charm Bracelet w/ 16 plus Beads & Charms. Reward! Call 507-369-5640. tfn/0e00

05 NOTICESGuns, Ammo, Powder & Primers. Open Monday - Saturday 9:00AM-5:00PM, or by Appointment call 507-373-0966, 1800 Oakwood Terrace, Albert Lea, MN. 06/28c00/08

4th Annual Rod & Gun Club TEXAS HOLD'em TOURNAMENT on Saturday, February 18th!! Held at Travel Lanes LeRoy, MN with *Raffles, *Silent Auction & *Gun Raffle Drawing, and Snacks, Lunch available, cash bar. Doors Open at 11:00 A.M. Games Start at 1:00 P.M. Payback based on 32 Player Tournament, 1st Place: $200.00, 2nd Place: 100.00, 3rd Place: 50.00. LEROY ROD AND GUN CLUB. 07/0au00/07

10 APPLIANCE REPAIRON THE SPOT APPLIANCE SERVICE will Repair most Household Appliances & Commercial Cooking Products. 29 Years Experience, Reasonable Rates. Call Orrin Mortensen at 507-256-8099 ANY-TIME. tfn/44b50

11 BUILDING AND REMODELINGFor all your Home Maintenance/Repairs/Lawn Care call ROBERT NESSET CONSTRUCTION 507-383-7693. License# BC635495. tfn/14b00

Roofing, Remodeling or New Construction. Con-crete Work - Driveways, Sidewalks, Etc. - No job too BIG or too small. 31 years experience, Li-censed & Insured. ARNOLD'S CONSTRUCTION 507-383-1345 or 507-377-3538. tfn/15b00

13 HOUSE & BUSINESS CLEANINGI can come clean your home for you, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly. Have experience. If interested call Peggy 218-522-0825 or 507-377-0566.

14 LAWN, GARDEN & TREE SERVICEPETERSON TREE SERVICE - Trimming/Removal, Lot/Grove Clearing, Stump Chipping, Licensed & In-sured. ISA Certified Arborist. Over 45 yrs. com-bined experience. We work all year round. FREE Estimates. 507-373-1171 or 800-795-1216 or email [emailprotected] tfn/29b00

B&B LAWN SERVICE: Mowing, Thatching, Bush Trimming, Garden Tilling, Landscaping, Brush Re-moval, Leaf Clean Up. Call Brad 507-377-0947 or 507-383-3628. Insured. tfn/14b00


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CANADA DRUG CENTER IS YOUR CHOICE FOR SAFE AND AFFORDABLE MEDICATIONS. Our licensed Cana-dian mail order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 90 percent on all your medication needs. Call Today 888-485-1568 for $25.00 off your first prescription and free shipping. (MFPA)

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PAID IN ADVANCE! Make $1000 Weekly Mailing Bro-chures from Home! Free Supplies! Income is guaran-teed! No experience required. Start Immediately! www.theworkhub.net (VOID IN SD) (MCN)


APPLE & FRUIT TREES low as $15. Evergreen & Hardwood Seedlings. FREE Product Catalog. WOODSTOCK NURS-ERY N1831 Hwy 95 Neillsville, WI 54456 Toll Free 888-803-8733, www.wallace-woodstock.com (MFPA)

HEAT YOUR HOME FOR 5¢ AN HOUR! Portable infrared iHeater heats 1000 sq. ft. Slashes your heating bills by 50%. FREE Shipping too! Use claim code 6239 WAS $499 NOW $279 Call 1-877-354-2808 (MFPA)

DISH Network. Starting at $19.99/month PLUS 30 Premi-um Movie Channels FREE for 3 Months! SAVE! & Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL 888-379-7065

SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENEFITS. WIN or Pay Noth-ing! Start Your Application In Under 60 Seconds. Call Today! Contact Disability Group, Inc. Licensed Attor-neys & BBB Accredited. Call 888-819-3552 (MFPA)

ATTENTION SLEEP APNEA SUFFERERS with Medicare. Get FREE CPAP Replacement Supplies at NO COST, plus FREE home delivery! Best of all, prevent red skin sores and bacterial infection! Call 888-859-7796 (MFPA)


DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. 888-472-9219 (MFPA)

The Freeborn County Shopper | Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | Page 10 Call 373-1310 To PlaCe Your Classified ad! Call 373-1310 To PlaCe Your Classified ad! The Freeborn County Shopper | Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | Page 3

Dining and Entertainment

Saturday, Feb. 25

Menu: Stuffed Pork Chop Dinner

$15 Per Person

Tickets on Sale at Albert Lea Eagles Club

205 W. William373-1162

Let Us Help You Make Your Wedding Reception PERFECT!Tribute Dinner Show

Performances by Bill Dewey as Johnny Cash& the DC Drifters

Winter BBQ Wed. Feb 15, 2012

First Luthern Church, 301 W Clark St, AL5:00 pm - 7:30 pm cost $7Menu: Hamburgers • Hot Dogs • Baked Beans • Chips • Bars • Lemonade • Coffee • Water

All proceeds help support the 22 youth and 5 adults going to the ELCA National Youth Gathering in New Orleans, LA July 2012


Fat Tuesday Celebration

Tuesday, Feb. 21Serving 4:30-7:00

Shrimp Boil, Chili, Gumbo and the

Famous King Cakefor Dessert - $8.00

Knights of Columbus

1002 S. Broadway, Albert Lea

Second Annual

$100 OffAny 24 Pack Cans of Beer

Expires 2/28/12


15% OffAny Bottle or Box of Wine

Expires 2/28/12


1617 West Main St, Albert Lea379-2364

Albert leA FFA Alumni

AnnuAl All-member


February 19, 201211 AM – 1 PM

fairlane BuildingFreeborn Co. Fairgrounds, Albert Lea

The Albert Lea FFA Alumni Board of Directors would like to invite you to our annual All-Member Meeting.

Join us at the Fairlane Building on the Fairgrounds for soup and desserts.

We will review the year’s successes, have membership renewals available, and share our ideas for 2012. Speaking of which, we can always use your idea! Contact any board member to share your ideas, thoughts, or creative solutions for sponsorship, education, and fundraising.

Together, we can achieve great things and help the Albert Lea FFA Chapter out!



Highest Prices for Scrap Cars, Trucks, Farm Machinery, Iron & Steel

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D. 45


Pick Up Service & Roll Off Boxes Available

Also BuyingAluminum,

(NO AlUMINUM CANS) Brass & Copper

HINKLEY Chevrolet, BuickHwy. 109, Wells, MN • Phone: 553-3121 • Toll Free 1-800-788-6442

Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8 am to 6 pm, Sat. 8 am to 3 pm • View a Picture of Our Vehicles at www.hinkleychevrolet.com

2007 Chevrolet Tahoe LT4x4, 5.3 V-8, 15 MPG City/21 MPG Hwy, trade-in, power driver seat, CD, towing package, 148,000 miles

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Serving 5:30 to 8:00 pm



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Friday, Feb. 17th

Saturday, Feb. 11th

Every Monday

Thursday, Feb. 16th

Tuesday, Feb. 14th




Freeborn Area Cancer AuctionWe would like to thank everyone that donated, purchased and

worked towards another great year!

3rd Annual Fighting for a Cure One Page at a Time

Saturday, march 10, 20128:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.

first Baptist Church, Clarks Grove MNCost: $40.00* Price Includes: *Free T-shirt with early registration

• 15 Hours of Scrapbooking Time • Silent Auction• Garage Sale • Meals, Water and Coffee

Proceeds go to freeborn area Cancer auction - for More information:Missy Ladlie 507-219-7280 [emailprotected] Attig 507-391-7110 [emailprotected]

Sign Up


Soup & Pie SupperVegetable Beef • Chili • Baked Potato • Wild Rice

Wednesday, Feb. 15th 4-7 pmCrossroads Church

3402 Hoeger Lane, Albert Lea, MN

Proceeds to benefit students attending youth ministry conference in New Orleans along with 10% going back to the

community through the Backpack Program

Adults: $7Children (5-10): $3.50

Children Under 5: FREEEveryone is welcome!Handicap Accessible

Your Only LocalMonument & Memorial


Phone (507) 373-40301-800-338-0055

1006 S. Broadway, Albert Lea

Did you know... A standard monument order can take

2-3 months to complete?

In order for us to provide you the best, stress free service -

Contact Us Today to have your loved one’s monument completed by Memorial Day

Stop by our Showroom or Call for More Information

Memorials with Innovation & Distinction

‘11 Chev Equinox AWD, 25k ...............$22,900‘10 Buick Lucerne CXL, 42k ................$19,900‘10 Town & Country Touring, 27k ........$17,900‘10 Impala LS, 40k...............................$12,900‘10 Kia Rio 5, 14k ................................ $11,900‘09 Chevy Trailblazer, 58k ...................$14,900‘09 Ford Fusion, 48k............................ $11,900‘09 Toyota Prius, 70k ...........................$14,900‘08 Nissan Rogue AWD, 51k ...............$14,900’08 Chev K2500 Crew Cab, 94k ..........$17,900‘08 Ford Ranger Ext Cab, 93k...............$7,995‘08 Jeep Liberty, 65k ...........................$13,900‘08 Honda Civic Ex 2dr, 47k ................$13,900‘08 Kia Optima LX, 62k .........................$9,995‘07 Ford F150 Crew Cab, 4x4, 142k ...$12,900‘07 Chevy Trailblazer, 73k ...................$12,900‘07 Gran Prix, 59k................................ $11,900‘07 Buick Lucerne CXS, 40k ...............$14,900‘07 Chev K1500 Ext Cab, 196k .............$8,995‘06 Town & Country, touring, 83k ..........$9,995‘06 Dodge Caravan, 96k........................$5,995‘06 Pontiac Vibe, 86k .............................$8,995‘06 Chev Trailblazer, 86k .......................$9,995‘06 GMC K3500 ext. cab Duramax, 156k .$14,900‘06 Buick Rendezvous CXL, 66k .........$10,900‘06 Chev Equinox, AWD, 89k ................$8,995‘05 Bonneville SE, Leather, 85k ............$8,995‘05 Chev C1500 Ext Cab, 228k .............$4,500‘05 Buick LeSabre, 59k .......................$10,500‘05 Honda CRV, 98k ............................$10,900‘05 Buick Century, 27k ...........................$8,995‘04 Yukon XL Denali, 110k ..................$13,900‘04 Pontiac Bonneville GXP, 56k .........$10,900‘04 Buick LeSabre, 49k .........................$9,995‘04 Buick LeSabre LTD Celebration Series, 77k .$9,995‘03 GMC Envoy .....................................$7,995‘03 Pontiac Vibe, 267k ...........................$3,095‘02 Buick Park Ave, 73k ........................$8,995‘02 Buick LeSabre, leather, 75k ............$7,995‘02 Jeep Liberty, 58k .............................$8,995‘00 Buick Century, 57k ...........................$5,995‘99 Buick Century Limited, 44k ..............$6,500

Many More to Choose Fromwww.the-trading-post.com

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'11 Kawasaki 750 EFI Brute Force, 190 miles, one owner, with Moose Snow Plow ...................................................... $7,100

‘09 Chevy HD Ext Cab LT, 6.0, auto, 4x4, loaded, 79k .. $24,995'08 F350 Crew Cab Lariet V10 4x4, 117k ...................... $23,995‘08 F250 XLT Ext Cab, long box, 5.4 V8, auto, 4x4, 63k $22,995'08 F250 Ext cab, 5.4 XLT, Auto, short box, 4x4, 71k .... $20,995‘08 Nissan Versa S 1.8 auto 4door 66k ........................... $9,995'06 Colbalt 2-Dr, Auto, 79k ............................................... $7,995‘06 Chevy Crew Cab LT 6.6 Diesel Short box, 4x4, 117k $23,995‘06 F150 Supercrew XLT, 5.4 V-8, 4x4, 61k ................... $19,995‘05 Ford Ext.Cab XLT 5.4 V-8, 4x4, 111k ........................$11,995'05 Chev 2500 LS, crew cab, 6.0, V8, 4x4, 114k ........... $16,995'05 Chrysler Town Country, Touring, Stow n Go 96k ........ $8,995'04 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP, 4 Dr., 3.8, leather roof ........ $8,995'04 Chevy Ext. Cab LS, 5.3 V8, 113k, 4x4, cloth ........... $12,995'04 Chevy Tahoe LT, leather, sunroof, DVD, 4x4, 110k .. $13,995'04 Chevy Reg. Cab 5.3, long box, 4x4, 114k .................. $9,995'04 Chevy 1500 Extcab LT Z71, 4x4, 5.3, 103k ............. $13,995‘04 F-250 XLT 4x4 off road Crewcab 5.4 V8 130k ......... $13,995‘04 Trailblazer Ext. LS 4.2 V6 4x4, 3rd Seat, 95k ............ $9,995‘04 Chevy Ext Cab 1500 LS 5.3, 4x4, 150k, clean ........ $10,500‘04 Chevy 2500 HD Ext. Cab, 6.0 V-8, auto., 4x4, 134k,

sunroof ...................................................................... $12,995‘03 Chevy 1500 HD Crew Cab 6.0 V-8, 4x4, 157k......... $10,995'03 Nissan Maxima SE V6, auto., sun roof, 89k............... $7,995‘03 Blazer LS 4.3 V6 4x4, 119k ........................................ $6,995'03 Chevy S10 Crew Cab 4.3 V-6, auto., 4x4, 134k ........ $8,995'02 Pontiac Grand Prix SE, V6, auto., 131k ..................... $4,995'02 F250 XLT Reg. Cab 7.3 Diesel 6 spd., 114k 4x4 ..... $15,995‘02 Chevy 1500 HD crew cab LT Z71, 4x4, 126k ...........$11,995‘02 Chevy Monte Carlo SS, 3.8 V-6, auto., leather,

sunroof, 102k .............................................................. $7,495'01 Chevy S-10 LS, 2.2, 5 speed 2wd, 136k .................... $4,500‘01 KIA Sportage, 4x4, 5 speed ....................................... $2,995‘01 Ford Excursion V-10, 4x4, leather, 99k ...................... $9,995'00 GMC Ext Cab Sonoma 2.2 Auto., 81k, 2WD.............. $5,995'00 S-10 Ext. Cab 2 WD, V6, auto., 114k ......................... $4,995'00 F350 Lariet Crew Cab 7.3 Diesel auto., 156k, 4x4 .. $13,995'99 F250 XLT Reg. Cab V10 4x4, 62k, long box .............. $9,995‘99 Chevy 1500 LS Z71 Extcab, 5.3, V8, 4x4 154k ......... $6,995'99 Olds Bravada AWD, New Tires, 151k ......................... $3,995‘99 Lincoln Town Car, V8, leather, 84k ............................. $6,995'96 F350 XLT Reg Cab, 7.3 powerstroke, auto, 2WD, 131k .$6,995‘95 F250 V8, 4x4, Reg. Cab ............................................. $2,995‘94 Lincoln Towncar, V8, leather, nice shape, 156k ......... $2,500‘90 Chevy 1500 SS 454, reg cab, 92k ............................. $9,500‘84 Chevy 1500 Reg Cab 305, V8, 2wd 166k .................. $2,995‘64 International Carry All Ambulance, V8, 4x4, 6100 mi . $6,500‘00 Polaris RMK 800 136’’ rebuilt motor .......................... $1,995‘97 XCR 600 Triple, new seat, runs great ........................ $1,200‘96 XLT 600 Triple Wife's Sled ......................................... $1,200

Thank You

THE SHOPPER110 Pearl St., Box 1108, Albert Lea, MN 56007 • Phone 507/373-1310 [emailprotected]


It’s that time of year when days are shorter and winter weather is approaching.

Please Remember:Delivery might be later than it has been.Keep your sidewalks/driveways clear.Monitor your petsService your tubes or boxes.

Friday, Feb. 17th Serving 6:00-7:30 pmSteak, Chicken, Shrimp, Fish

RAHK Karaoke - 7:30 pmSaturday, Feb. 18th Lunch Noon Till GoneHockey Burger Basket Fundraiser serving 5 -7pm

Entertainment TBA 7:00 pm

Every Tuesday Bar BingoStarts 6:30 pm

Food Available

Wednesdays6:00-7:30 pmAll Baskets

$6.00(Excludes Specials)


11:30 am-1:00 pmBurger Basket

& Special

Albert Lea Lodge #1703

MOOSE1623 W. Main. St., Skyline Plaza

Mon.-Fri. Noon to Close, Sat. 10:30 am to Close, Sun. Noon-6 pm

Omelet BreakfastSunday • Feb. 19th • $8.00

8:00 am-1:00 pmMade to Order Omelets, Sausage, Bacon,

Potatoes, Toast, Juice & Coffee

AUTO SALESCall 507-373-1005

2517 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea, MN

~ 2005 MODELS ~'05 Dodge Dakota Crew Cab SLT, 4x4, V8,

110k ............................................................$12,500'05 Chrysler Town & Country Limited, loaded,

DVD, 120k ....................................................$9,995'05 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT, 99k ..............$8,495'05 Mercury Mountaineer Premier, 4x4, loaded,

DVD, 83k ....................................................$12,900'05 Dodge Stratus SXT, 4 cyl., 48k .................$8,995'05 Hummer H2, fully loaded, 4x4, 103k .....$19,900'05 Chrysler Pacifica 4x4, loaded, 120k ........$9,995'05 Pontiac Grand Prix, 3800 V6 ....................$7,995'05 Dodge Grand Caravan, nicely equipped,

133k ..............................................................$5,995'05 Dodge Ram Crew Cab, 4x4, 4 new tires,

91k ..............................................................$12,900

FCS 02.14.2012 - [PDF Document] (11)

The Freeborn County Shopper | Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | Page 2 The Freeborn County Shopper | Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | Page 11Call 373-1310 To PlaCe Your Classified ad!Call 373-1310 To PlaCe Your Classified ad!

Hy-VeeWine & spirits

Open Mon.-Thurs. 8 to 8, Fri. & Sat. 8 to 10

Ad Good Wednesday, Feb. 15 thru Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2012

Next to Hy-Vee 2708 N. Bridge, Albert Lea 377-1489




12 pAck .5 LITER




Bud,Bud Light,Bud Select

24 PACK CAns






24 PACK CAns


karkovVodka1.75 LITER


Hess Select chardonnay

750 mL


MondaviALL vARIETIEs 750 mL

$899Sutter Home

Bubbly Moscato750 mL

$799Beringer Moscato

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$399from the wine






1.75 LITER


Taste of Winter Recipe Contest Entry BlankE-Mail Your Recipe to [emailprotected] Address: The Freeborn Co. Shopper, 110 Pearl St., P.O. Box 1108, Albert Lea, MN 56007Contest deadline February 17, 2012 - Must have name, address & phone number on each entry.

Must have name, address & phone number on each recipe entered.

Name __________________________________________________________________

Address ________________________________________________________________

Phone __________________________________________________________________

Be a part of our 14th Annual

Winter Recipe Book & Contest

Send us your favorite

Winter Recipe!

The Freeborn CounTyThe Freeborn CounTy

ShopperShopperA Southern MinneSotA ShopperS publicAtion

Be Part of Our 14th Annual Recipe Contest and Win!

Trees & shrubs for spring planTing

• Farmstead Windbreaks• Field Windbreaks

• Wildlife Habitat Plantings• Plantings for Aesthetics

freeborn Co. sWCD offers assistance with:

• Variety Selection• Planting Plans• Planter Rentals

• Tree Care ProductsCall or visit our office to obtain a 2012

price list and order form

ag. service Center building1400 W. Main, Albert Lea, MN

phone 373-5607 ext. 3For best selection order by Feb. 29th.


Lawn & GardenAppliancesTelevisions

2722 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea377-2500

Hours: M-F 9-7, Sat. 9-6, Sun. Noon-5


Going Farther On A Gallon Of GasAs much as we'd like to hope, lower gas prices aren't likely here to stay. but with prices lower than they have been in awhile-and especially when they really start to rise again-here are some tips to help you save gas.

Gettin' In TuneKeeping your car in proper running condition is vital to getting good gas mileage and saving money, so make sure your engine is tuned up. Especially crucial under

the hood are the spark plugs. Are they firing correctly? one that isn't can cost you as much as 30% in fuel efficiency. All thumbs? You can still replace your own air filter and improve your gas mileage up to 10%. Check the filter periodically for the things that can clog it-dirt, dust, bugs, etc.-and change it according to your owner's manual guidelines.

pump 'Em Upmake sure your tires are inflated to the proper air pressure indicated in your owner's manual.

Underinflated tires can wreak havoc on three fronts-they rob you of precious gas mileage (up to 15%), they wear out faster than properly inflated tires and they can cause an accident. Do the math. If you're getting 20 miles to the gallon on underinflated tires, you can pos-sibly bump that to 23 with the proper pressure. If your gas tank holds 15 gallons and you get three extra miles a gallon, that's 45 miles per fillup. If you fill up once a week, that's 2,340 additional miles a year you're getting. buy a quality tire gauge and check your tire pressure once a month.

Get Your Car In Shape with the Help of These Businesses




• Change Oil & Filter (Up to 5 qts.)• 60 pt. vehicle inspection• Most Vehicles • Expires 3/16/12

See us for all your auto service needs.







FREESilver car Wash with the purchase of 8 gallons of gas or more - $7.00 Value



OLE’S EASTSIDE SHELL2222 e. Main • albert lea • 373-5000

we love our customers!treat your car to a SILVER WASH

exclusively at Tire & service Network locations with a Purchase of 4 select Goodyear® or dunlop® Tires

on Your Goodyear Credit Card*

505 E. Main, Albert Lea373-0636

*Subject to credit approval. Offer valid thru Feb. 29, 2012. One mail in rebate check per qualifying purchase. See store for details.

GEt Up to A$160 REbAtE on tiREs!

507•373-2676Kevin Marshall, Owner Certified Installer

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Ask about Flaherty’s Lay-Away Plan!!Custom Wheels • Tires • suspension • Exhaust

Denis Flaherty | Jay Montag | Sean Flaherty

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Full Service Auto & Light Truck Repair



Ken’s Service


Sale ends Feb. 18th!Don't Miss your

chance to Save Big on these Top Quality

Wix Filters!Motor Supply

Company1651 Olsen Dr., Albert Lea

507-373-3981Mon.-Fri. 7:30 am-5:30 pm, Sat. 8:00 am-1:00 pm

speCial offers!save $5

on exact fit Wiper bladessave $10

on bosch iCon Wiper bladessave $20

on herculiner brush on bed liner Kitlucas fuel injector Cleaner only $5.99

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Not valid with any other offer. Expires 2/29/12.

FCS 02.14.2012 - [PDF Document] (12)

ShopperShopperVolume 38, No. 7 Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A SouTherN MiNNeSoTA ShopperS publicATioN110 peArl STreeT • p.o. box 1108 • AlberT leA, MN 56007 • phoNe 507-373-1310

The Freeborn CounTyThe Freeborn CounTyThe Freeborn county Shopper | Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | page 12

open for lunch 7 Days a WeekStarting at 11 amDelicious Varieties ofSalaDS, SanDWicheSanD SoupS2200 W. 9th St. Albert Lea(507) 373-2007

Medallion HuntFind the Chamber of Commerce Medallion

AND WIN $300 IN CHAMBER BUCKS!Monday, Feb 13th - Saturday, Feb 18th

Get your clues in the Albert Lea Tribune.

Take a Kid Ice Fishing FREE EVENT! 9-12 P.M.

Edgewater Park shoreline on Fountain Lake. First 150 kids receive a free jigging stick & bucket. Holes will be drilled and

bait is provided. For more info contact, Lance:

[emailprotected] or go online to FLSC website to register.

Chili Cookoff The Albert Lea Jaycees need contestants!

Bring a nonperishable food item. $10 to enter the contest please contact,

Brady Gooden: (507) 383-7617Over $100 in prizes for the winner! $3 PER SPOON TO BE A JUDGE.

12-3 p.m. at the new pavilion.

Skydiving/Tandem Jump Make a $50 deposit to take the other type

of polar plunge with Southern MN Skydiving, LLC.

APPOINTMENTS FROM 10-5 P.M. Call Bryce to make an appt: (507) 383-9377

Family Geocaching EventTake part in this

fun family geocaching event. Sign up at the new pavilion, 1-2 p.m.!

Softball Tourney9-5 p.m. fields on Fountain Lake by

Edgewater Park. Three game guarantee.

$100 entry fee per team - 8 team max. WINNERS RECEIVE CASH PAYOUTS!

Registration required by Feb 3rd. Registration forms available online at

www.bigfreeze.orgRules/requirements also available online.

Snowshoe Shuffle 5k For beginners and experienced shufflers!


Register online or 10 a.m. day of the race.Must bring a nonperishable food item.

Racers will receive door prizes!

Polar Plunge Albert Lea Fire Dept. challenges you.

Must bring a nonperishable food item. BEGINNING 2 P.M.

UNTIL LAST JUMPER. Shoreline in front of the new pavilion. Jumpers receive a participation medal!

Kids Winter Carnival Albert Lea Park & Rec Kids Carnival at the

NEW EDGEWATER PAVILION 1-4 P.M. Giant Jenga, snow golf, obstacle

course & games!

Snowmobile Radar Runs 12-3 P.M. FOUNTAIN LAKE $5 PER RUN.

Timed by the MN Snowmobile Club.

Disc Golf Ice Bowl 1 p.m. tee-off at Edgewater Park.

Must bring 5 nonperishable food item. $250 in prizes 1st - 7th places

donated by Nancy Vanderwaerdt State Farm Insurance.


Sleigh RidesBring a nonperishable food item. 1-4 p.m.

Starting at the new pavilion.

Presented By The Big Freeze Committee of Albert Lea, MN • www.bigfreeze.org • 507-373-2316

Edgewater Bay PavilionFountain Lake, Albert Lea

Saturday, February 18, 2012

ICE PARTy Saturday Night

Live Performance Saturday Night

at the Edgewater Bay Pavilion! Bring a nonperishable food item! $3 suggested donation at the door!


5-7 p.m.

BAD MONKEy 7-11 p.m.

Beverage Services by Geneva Bar!

Albert Lea Family Y2021 W. Main St, Albert Lea, MN 56007373-8228 • www.ymcaal.org

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Steam It CleanCarpet Cleaning

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Last Week’s Answer: Charles DickensLast Week’s Winner: Julie Roder of Albert Lea

This Week’s Question: What became the 33rd state to join the Union, Feb. 14, 1859?

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ANY LARGE PIZZAExpires Feb. 29 2012

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Closed Sun. & Mon.


Thursday night Special

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Served with a Freshly Baked Popover & Honey Butter!

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Get Ready For Springat New To You CoNsigNmeNT• T-Shirts• Shorts• SandalsQuality Used Clothing for the Entire Family

FCS 02.14.2012 - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Article information

Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Last Updated:

Views: 5834

Rating: 5 / 5 (70 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.